Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

SDB, but thats not missiles

And that is if the Pantsir/tor doesn’t make a mental note of you climbing and swats you out of the sky as soon as you are somewhat in range to use your lgbs.

Going to be so much fun to play lol.

Most likely 4 9m, and agm 65’ G and D’s.

Lets just be grateful Pantsir’s cant data-link with eachother

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Maybe laser SDB or Stormbreaker

This is it for today?

nope dev blog maybe in around 17 mins and watch the stream for info if teaser today

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It gets access to new Mavs, LITENING/SNIPER targeting pods, a HMTS, laser guided bombs, and some kind of countermeasure pod

AGM-65K Maverick form cdk file, my guess

2+ gen (Northrop Grumman) or 3rd gen (Lockheed Martin) FLIR thermal


Better Su-25SM3 for ground RB if gaijin add GBU-39B/B SDB in 3 years

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Thanks for all the infos.

God just wait until we get an F-15E to blow out the Su-25SM3’s


Im personally waiting for Harrier Gr9A or Tornado Gr4 to do that


Devblog event vehicle new battleship top tier HMS Barham for great britain 3 hours ago

it wasnt technically a dev blog

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If we just start assuming EAP is coming and talk about it they will come deny devblog and stream.

Genuine question, are there really any major differences between the Harriet Gr.7 and Gr.9? The British Harrier II never received AMRAAMs iirc so it can’t be that.

Isnt it the Gr9 that used brimstones?

I heard from reliable source of sekrit dokuments, that this naval ship might come to some tree next update.


Cough (18 Brimstones lol)



The main difference between the Gr9 and Gr7 is upgraded cockpit avionics (iirc). The A variant denote the better Mk107 engine which can be gotten for the Gr5A, Gr7A and Gr9A but the Gr9A also got HMS. In-game Id expect the Gr9A to have

  • Sniper Tpod
  • 6x AAMs (Harrier Gr7 should have this as well)
  • HMS
  • Brimstones

(technically also ASRAAM)

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