Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

plus gaijin is highly unlikely going to be adding it as gaijin really does not like it for some reason

of course the regular f14D with aim7p aim54Eccm sealed and aim9m

and AIM-120

Yes tho still F-14D hold standard of features / improvements over F-14B. One of these changes were new digital radar and new avionics which essentially translates to new databus and software compatible with deployment of AIM-120

gaijin isnt going to do it just because it could mount it For example the fw190-f8 could mount X4 rusthal missiles wire guided missiles so could the me262 but gaijin has not added them as

even if it had the cability the f14 would get abused by and move to 13.7 which it would not be able to compete

I’m sorry to bring this up again, but the YAK-141 not only lacked the missiles it carries in game, but it also lacked all fire control systems. Despite this, Gaijin gave it all of the above.

I’d like to see X4 in-game, but I’m not sure why that hasn’t happened.

  1. Singular testbeds
  2. Balance reasons

because it was a german prototype and gaijin doesnt like german prototypes

they also used them on ju88 bombers with the most success there as you had to guide them by hand and fly the plane

it similiar to how the g91 missiles work it would wasd guidance

What? It would be perfectly fine at that BR. Jet had IRST/TISEO combo and the strongest MPRF radar until F-22 came out. It could also receive VTAS HMS which got tested successfully in operational units (similar to F-4J/F-4S) and AIM-9M which it operationally used.

the missiles that are notoriously difficult to use?

Early? There is no such thing as an early—you’re thinking of the F/A-18A.

eurofighters when added f16 jas39 will eat it alive

another example bmp1 without the bmp1p mod

We have these jets in game right now and they do not eat my F-14B alive when I play it. You’ve got plenty of thrust and wing lift with flaps to comfortably fight most of your opponents

The F-14 is a menace in a gun only duel, there’s nothing about the airframe that’d hold you back at top tier.

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dogfights are very uncommon and not every single f14 has the software to load the aim120 which is what is required at top tier right now

plus also this has already been debated on here anyways What is coming first? The F-14D with AIM-120’s or the F/A-18A with AIM-7M’s?