Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

what source

AIM-54 warhead weights 42kg (looking thru WT values) which is a solid portion of missile’s initial weight, add to that removal of original guidance section and you get a missile with much better acceleration due to lower weight. I’m also kinda confused by Scramjet Propulsion mentioned in the document. Was the engine really the same with service-issued AIM-54’s?

then they replace the payload with extra guidance tracking systems engine was the same they where testing materials for the scram jet on the pheniox they also installed there own equipment in it which made it heavier

plus one of the main problems with intergrating the aim120 was that the f14 radar used analog systems and not digital to get it to work they had to make a hodge podge converter and the aim120 was meant to replace the sparrows it carried not the aim54

“The Navy does plan to add the capability to launch the [AMRAAM] to F-14Ds when their computer software is updated.” That same report concluded, however, that the projected costs of many other planned upgrades to the Tomcat were not justified in light of the Hornet’s and upcoming Super Hornet’s capabilities. Eventually, plans to arm Tomcats with AMRAAM were scrapped.’

plans to arms them were scrapped but possible capability was introduced together with avionics update

F-14D radar is digital

The radar on the F-14 IRAF (AWG-9) can guide R-27 in-game
I think we’re waaaay past “this can technically work”

F-14A Tomcat from the Pacific Missile Test Center while conducting ... f14a and f14D had different radars

thats a f14a you can tell by the engine nozzles

We were discussing the F-14D tho?

They had indeed. Your point?

PMTC might have modified F-14, due their work

F14 B had analog interfaces for there radars in cockpit which the aim120 didn’t match with you needed a adapter for it to connect to the aim7 sparrow rails which where not efficient and the f18 just was finished so rather than upgrade all f14s to the D model w they went with the new f18 as it was more cost efficient

r/aviation - a close-up of a jet f14 with adapter

f14 was already on its way out only there still because it was allowed to fill the role of the a6e as a fighter bomber just was to much money for congress

The worth noting fact about F-14D radar is that it was digital and based off APG-70 radar used in F-15E which already used AIM-120 as its main A2A weapon. F-14D also received new avionics fully integrated with AIM-120 employment and pylon wiring.

yes but already modernized F-14Ds still received upgrades with capabilities mentioned by me earlier

does anyone have an upscaled version of the new research bonus icon?