Dance of Dragon - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Hello @Smin1080p_WT

It seems my question went through in the part 2.
Is there a development planed for all the vehicles of a folder to provide the research bonus for the next vehicle in line? It’s sad the Spitfire Mk24 doesn’t give any bonus on the 1st Meteor.


Sadly tree organisation would not be based solely on opinion alone, as there can be many reasons (game balance, research balance / composition) for the order and structure of trees.

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that’s wrong.

The praga was produced from 1951 to 1978

while 1968 that happend:

You guys literally added a vehicle to the nation which attacked it



Currently this is not planned. The vehicle research bonus follows on from the main vehicle of the group for those wishing to progress through the tree. Foldered vehicles are for expanding existing line-ups and provide further options for players to explore.


I’m asking as the tree I’m on about seems to have hit a small issue with future updates and previous planes are being under utilised to progress the tree, it would be to keep historical accuracy to a degree and allow the dev team to easily add more to the nation in future updates

For not commenting on non announced things/ leaked things Smin is commenting on a lot of things that weren’t announced.

sth i want ask :

anything about a Gen4_fighter with FOX3 for German?
and CAS with a pod for Japan?
11.7 AA for italy and Israel?

I just need a confirmation, part of a request from my squadron.


This has nothing to do with it at all.

The vehicle was first produced long before this occurred. Vehicles remain in service through many changes of government and politics. That has nothing to do with the game.

Please keep political events off the forum.


As part of the roadmap they pretty much halved the RP requirement of all foldered vehicles. That’s probably a better deal for us than any research bonus would have been.

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Same could be said for many US SPAAs, yet we haven’t got any since the Chaparral a year ago (update “Sons of Attila”)

As always, we are working on gaps to fill gaps in all nations. Many vehicles to resolve existing gaps are in the plans, along with other vehicles people want to see.

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You call it political. I call it history like ww2 but yeah I let it go


Dear @Smin1080p_WT , will python4 be included in this update plan?

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Stay tuned to the news for what will come in the update. Its far to early to confirm the contents of the update from what we have already showed.


Well that’s good to hear. I have my fingers crossed for this update

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so does su24 get kh38 or any new weaponry?

Same tbh
I didn’t ask for a Gripen. I just wanted a Hawk.

even if an 18 came this fast, why would we go straight to the C??

it would most likely be the A Variants, which did not carry 120’s while still carrying a large number of ground ordinance options.

C’s would come in an update or two.

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Not to impressed with the leaks. The T1E1 variant is neat but the high level stuff is just not that interesting to me. Just wanna see more weird tanks lol. The Finnish KV will be fun but it’s a shame it’s a premium. Hopefully some more interesting tank stuff is revealed between now and release.

because the C was leaked and is the only one switzerland has so there is no chance they could have mixed the versions

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