Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

can you comment on questions regarding the “allegedly” coming vehicles or do we need to wait until a devblog for them?

Oh goody, more mid tier SPAA (TDs)

If you understood how heavy its been for British naval and how special Warspite is…

Genuinely this is the best news since the UK got Gripen for me.

Better Warspite is not added than added as an event.

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nah you have 45 000+ Tons BB

And bigger clearly is better, isn’t it ? no ? oh ok then

On a more serious note, the state of the RN is indeed quite sad, especially for a tree that was implemented some time ago now

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Falcons still the best i deny any counterarguments

Other than offical announcements, there’s nothing to comment on.


Still sad that the ITPSV 90 wasn’t on the leak list

If only we could get a Falcon with less pen at a lower BR to fill that SPAA gap

In ground and air I can accept Britain not being the strongest…

But the Royal Navy… One of the most powerful navies of all time. The one that should be by far one of the strongest in-game (considering the time-frame naval mostly inhabbits) and its really not. We have a few diamonds in the rough. The odd ship here or there that stands out. But most are below average to what they face at the same BR. Even top tier, the Hood. The mighty Hood. Is entirely and completely dependent on sheer luck to land a single shell. Because despite having some of hte most accurate guns IRL. She has by far the most inaccurate guns in game. Its possible to miss every shell with a perfectly aimed salvo.

The T-55 one?

Yes the ITPSV 90 (T55)

ITPSV 90 Leo marksman

Both vehicles are called that in service but for the public they have different names

You’r cute


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Thats why its dressed in white… something something surrender (I’m sorry French people, I know you did not just surrender)

I think it’s a bit of an “exaggerated” generalization. There are idiots everywhere, in the same proportion. Perhaps, since Germany has a larger player base, there are more idiots.It’s also true that many people react poorly to German players when Germany gets a bit of love. But that doesn’t make everyone an idiot.


Welp, there goes that guess of mine.
It’s fortunate, in a way, one of the lesser known of the QE-class is better suited for an event.


Behold, a gallery of all the KanColle characters currently in War Thunder! Seems I’ll have to update Warspite soon!

I also have a tech tree version on the WT wiki.

Considering the fact we got Renown not that long ago (start of the year) and her rather dreadful state (incorrectly modeled draft and shell dispersal that renders her guns nearly unusable) I dont wnat another event BB/BC anytime soon for Britian. Besides, Italy or France would be better served by a bluewater naval vessel as an event.

What the heck were your people thinking back then?



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100% agree with that, the history behind this ship is way too much to be an event. Also she is the only QE modernisation that is not just copy-paste.

HMS Barham is my vote if a QE ever materialises as an event, it does the opposite of what was done with Renown and Repulse and adds the sunken one which did not receive the late war modifications. And can still be added in numerous configurations including Jutland.

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You commented on Warspite not being planned as an Event vehicle and maybe I’m blind or I missed something but I don’t think there’s been an official announcement about Warspite.

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