Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Benelux this patch ^^

that leo list is missing a just a ,few, leos

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No light tanks is all to plan.

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Conveniently ignoring the fact that the Benelux subtree is being added, very nice nitpicking there.


No Comrade if players want whole to be filled then they can’t moan so we fill everyone with Russian things. Everyone can have our bias

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R&R rn:
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Yep. It’s not a plan I agree with. I think it’s a not a great plan, especially since there is so much France could get at rank 7, but that is a plan.

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But I’m sure French player would prefer French vehicles over Dutch/Belgium ones


Cool, France have nothing between 9.7->11.3 since like… 6+ years ?
(yeah ok for a while we got the Roland, but better not start on that butchered AA)

So i guess a LOT are coming soon if i take your words, isn’t it? :)

And not only copy pasta from other nations, hu ?


I don’t know if you can answer this, but I’m asking because I’m curious:

Did the devs take into account the quite big differences in performance jumps between new MBTs in air superiority?

Some nations got massive upgrades like 2A6 - 2A7V while other nations got sidegrade MBTs like the SEPv2 and VT-4A1.

I’m just curious if this was accounted for or if stuff like that just ends up happening?


There’s an important asterisk with what Hyrikul is asking about. When French players ask for rank 7 vehicles, they mean domestic vehicles. Shouldn’t have to be said.

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The UK has some of those already in the form of the vehicles it contributed in design / manufacturing with like the Jaguar IS and Vijayanta that have “western” styles if you like. But trees are not locked to east / west content.

Part of the purpose of including Indian vehicles was the increased variety they offer for the British tree.


From the leak, it seems that all what BeNeLux add for now is copy pasta that was not needed, because domestic option exist.

We will see if we have original stuff, even from BeNeLux, but big doubts.


Well you are also getting a new domestic light tank this patch too.

Oh I definitely think that the French ground definitely needs more domestic stuff, but you also can’t just ignore the fact that the Benelux subtree will be coming soonTM to help fill up some of the holes as well, it’s not how it works.

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So add more Vickers MBT’s, the Mk4 and Mk4 late are waiting. Vicker Mk7/2 plox

@Smin1080p a TOP TIER SPAA for US when?


I mean US is lacking alot of stuff that it could benefit from really + ADATS is very bad is maybe the worst SPAA in top tier.

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Whoever just flagged my post with a chatgpt transcript, that I posted to illustrate how stupid it is to make fun of any mains, completely missed the point :face_palm:


So what’s the point of having country trees then if most will get Russian tech ?

11.3 for tanks has not even existed for 6 years. As I have said to you multiple times, we are working to rectify gaps in all trees. It doesn’t mean the Leopard PSO or 2A7 were “snap adds” or unjustified additions going back to your original comment.