Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

I got through the Pzbtl 123… I can get through this

True but the underlying KE armour was still improved though. So its better than nothing, the biggest draw would most likely still be DM53.

Indian Osa be like lmfao.
Honestly id play uk all the way if that stuff was added

Yeah but in that case it’s impressive how you can plan things like that for always the same nation but keep others with gaps for multiple years.

Great planning with fair for everybody.


At least it’s better to get one now than when the US and UK got their 11.3 premiums in air superiority.

India never bought it.


People don’t care that the stuff is planned months in advance. They should, but they don’t. They’re gonna hear what they want to hear, even if it’s not true.


So Indian Panstia S1 soon tm ?

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Is there a reason, why the 2A7V was added before older/less capable tanks like the 2A6EX Demo 2 or TVM max?

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Germany went multiple years between the Leopard 2A6 and PSO. It was one of the largest MBT gaps we have had. So it wasn’t unreasonable for the PSO and 2A7 to both come when they did.


Because they wanted to add the top end tanks. I disagree with it, but that’s why.

Also someone said 18 tubes are photoshopped 😁

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Might I convince you over to France :)))

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There is a bigger gap in the US SPAA line yet no one is talking about it.

The 2A7 was the next mainline development of the series and also was in line with our Rank VIII plans. We don’t rule out the possibility of other members of the Leopard family.


Well I will be playing them since the Benelux sub lol

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It’s not any better with the spam of F-16 and Leo 2s lol


It’s cool that Gaijin can plan the AZUR and nothing else for France, but can plan PSO, 2A7 with spall liners, and the CAN now for Germany.

Meanwhile rank VII for France is the lightest in the game with no prems.

So i guess everything was planned, a Rank VII empty like that is all according to plan ?


but you have to agree that it would make more sense to prefer putting western vehicles in a western tech tree right? even just in terms of playstyle consistency