Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Only worth it in SB with carriers. Though landing back on the carrier in the FG1 is just one thing I’ve yet to master

yeah pretty much I wish they would just make EC a mode for air similar to how it is in sim

i already know they wont because it would be far to easy to grind but eh i think it would be more fun

noooo not at all haha

Idk about everyone else but if it weren’t for “I can’t run 4 bombs when I take GBU-24” i’d be taking it. the IOG (?) sounds excellent

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An RB EC gamemode would be the dream for many. But no one would play ARB at top tier


its almost like air top tier is really bad lol, its why I every now and then take out the Tornado F3 into ground RB


I’d do that more often if it weren’t for the small matter of THE MAPS ARE TOO SMALL

Wonder if Otomatic will still have a massive block for a breach

Probably it will be changed to autoloader

Finally Otomatic 76mm breach will be small…and not tank 1/4 of the turret

Well, the vehicle is still effectively dead if its shot in the mechanism though.

I guess I’ve never thought about how Big those AAMs really are

they look Huge

And? Doesnt meant that id doesnt have to have its model fixed.

For me, what you said is pointless argument…what would Oto also need is whole BR reduction and able to carry more APFSDS rounds

I think people would still play man. It’s the reason why people aren’t flying out in CAS in top tier unless they HAVE to grind something.

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just trying to catch up

did… did we get blog?

no, we got a dev correspondence post.

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Nope, but a forum post with imformation of upcoming road map thigs
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I have a question about type10. is it expected that there will be a type 10 overhaul for this update ??

With things like ARH though? 100+ km maps might be more popular especially with no markers


if we at least get only the EC maps in RB instead of the Current Knife fights that would already be an improvement


I already leave every game at top tier when I get small Spain, small Afghanistan or City (I don’t get City, I have it banned, but still)

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