Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

would love to see respawns might get people more on the idea of these big maps as good

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Respawns would be sooo good. They can call them “Reinforcements” to keep it “realistic” or whatever. I would like to see respawns in waves in RB EC. Maybe even have special airspawns a bit closer to center of the map you earn by completing some objectives. This game has such potential, but it’s still mostly untapped, and that breaks my heart


i think there are so many more objectives that could be added and made worth while to complete if its not just a team deathmatch for 5 min

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Here’s an idea. Gaijin can make some sort of contest where participants compete to create the best possible mission for ARB. I think you can make those in War Thunder’s CDK. Focus would be on realistic scenarios. A reward would be some gold, or premium time for a year or smth idk. Best 3 or so missions get added to official matchmaking. Repeat every year, and you have a steady inflow of good missions for Air RB. Surely someone can make something better than team deathmatch we currently have in the game.

I think this would work. No one can create a better map/mission than passionate players who play the game everyday. Look at Counter Strike’s maps. I think only 1 or 2 are made by Valve (the developer), the rest are made by players. (ok most of those are ported and remade by Valve now, but they were originally created by players/mappers)

What do you think, is this sort of collaboration/contest something Gaijin would be interested in?

Edit: I know this is kinda off topic, but with ARHs coming I think we need to update maps and gamemodes as well.


What about stock grind, that will be awful experience.

Rewards would of course be adjusted, I would imagine to keep it the same per hour as it is in ARB now.

Also you could go do something else than dogfight, since I imagine ground pounding would have much bigger role if Realistic was made more, well, realistic. In real life planes go on missions to destroy something on the ground, not to dogfight for the fun of it. You could do a lot of damage with just dumb bombs, and by that I mean real, meaningful damage that would lead your team closer to victory.

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I would imagine you would get two arh stock if they increased map size, since we would be on a new standard of weaponry

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Lmao, even
Remind me what’s the stock shell on most top tier MBTs ?

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APFSDS for rank 8

Yeah I was worried since I gotta stock grind super étendard, and having only canons in 10.0 is just stupid. I don’t want to fly for 15 minutes just to get shot down, smaller maps at least allow shorter suffering

If it were up to me every type of plane would be viable and wouldn’t be a pain to play, or a detriment to the team

I would only want these larger maps for an era of fighters that can thrive and handle it

no, having the ability to go hide in a mountain range and actually survive a flank makes stock grind much better

5 months bro how

Much of the rewards in all current gamemodes are largely given for just being there. EC also has lotsa AI targets and time/space for just getting those passive rewards.

Sim EC is already great for stock grind, RB eC would be no different.

what 5 months ??

ah ok

Unless in something pure A2A, which can be trickier. SB is significantly easier to stock grind in.

That being said…F3 in SB was far easier than it would have been in RB, even in the uptiers Vs Mig29s because you can ambush people. But there are AI targets as well

The question though.

Should it have ARB economy or ASB economy.

I’m leaning towards ARB, but with somethings giving no rewards like bombing airfields to mitigate bots