Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

god wish this was one of the user skins you could get on the market place, its so good


Gszabi(or olivia i cant remember properly) datamined the map budapest as well, which is interesting.

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Just need someone to make an EAP skin for it as well :P

Someone needs to do some official suggestions

Maybe, but we’ve known for months that they plan to add these new Air AB maps in this update. If there 's only two maps planned for this update, there 's not much room for other mode 's maps after the Air Arcade ones come.

And there weren’t any unreleased maps datamined last update, only leaked.

You could’ve just used an image of how it looks ingame:


A user in the discord I am in just posted what the USH-204 gK is going to be, so it is actually a Swedish test vehicle


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a “hold on to your butts” blog preceding the actual “incoming!” devblogs … nice, eh?

wonder what’s this shiny new ground event vehicle’s gonna be?

“Norway Islands” was datamined as a new text, alongside “North Holland”. My assumption was that this was in relation to a new map. Is it in use somewhere else?

Oh god… I’ve just realised, for that RP Bonus I’m either going to have to:
Play the FRS.1 (ow)
Play and Spade the Bucc S.2B (more ow)
Spade the FGR.2 (nopenopenopenope)
Spade the Gripen (give me a lobotomy at that point)

I should not have spaded my F.3. I didn’t think i’d ever say that.

The texts are new, but the maps are ingame.

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have the tornado assta 1, the mig 29g, the alpha jet all ready, just not sure how worth for an f4f ice lol

FRS1e I’ve got half of the last mods to grind (I’m forcing myself to not play it)

BucS2B I’ve got a few more mods to go before I get to that stage

Jaguar IS I’m working on currently.

Javelin is nearly at the right point too

I’m gunna work on Buc S1 after the Jag IS

Jaguar Gr1 and Harrier Gr3 may join them

And I need to have a look at what else would be reasonably easy to add to that list.

Suffice to say. I’m gunna be ready for the FA2

I talismanned my Gr1 to finish of the grind for the FA2. It could be DOA, but I’d still play it. At least in SB

Oh, is the text used for the Norway naval map?

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I’m not looking forward to the suck.

me looking at a fully spaded rank 8 besides the tornado Gr1

actually I do have the phantom FG1 but fuck that

dear christ that’d be the last thing to spade. ever.

yeah its pain to play lol

can you tell I got it for ground RB?

Gr1 is great fun in SB even in its current state. But yeah, if you play ARB, I understand why