Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Specifically, he stated that the “C” was pushed back as it offered no differences to the “A”. It was supposed to arrive last patch along with ARH, but since ARH was delayed, so too was the “C”.


And yet isreal gets both the netz and Barack 2 despite the barack 2 having a fake a2a loadout since its weapons require AMRaAMS and python 4 iirc. Just seems like double standards which isnt unusual for gaijin.

I suppose those are the options.

For me, the real headscratcher is what they will give Germany.

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Yeah, that’s what I was referring to.

Only makes sense for ICE rn which is cool thatbits coming but i think they need something more honestly yet thats the problem, they cant get anything until EF, maybe swiss CF/18?

As per the general playtest announcement here, where did you hear that it was delayed?

Depends on how gaijin models the f/18 and what armaments they want. Seems more like a December type update but i can see them coming before.

Seems like the J8F and F-4 ICE can beat each other senseless in low top tier, whilst Yak-141 gets its skull caved in for… Reasons.

Old post but heres Smins exact words. Thus relates to why the C isnt here when it was promised as a vehicle for sweden for the first patch of 2024

(The cope is real)

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I’m sure it’s the reason we don’t have premium like that. In that way Gaijin can keep the stats as main things against us, and since it reppeal players, they don’t have to work that much on the TT since it don’t generate enough hype/money.

I was referring specifically to ARH missiles, sorry if I wasn’t clear enough

Though my argument i feel is fair, almost every new ARH plane being added is better than what was at 12.7 except the gripen C making it literally a 400k rp roadblock for one mod which isnt a new concept for sweden tbf

Welcome !

And i have no idea sorry :p

ARH was supposed to be here either the first or second update of 2024, due to delays and them still working on solutions to everyone having a ARH slinger and testing of the missiles they postponed it.

Just so we’re clear.

What would Yak-141, MiG-29SMT or Su-27SM actually do but be the same planes but higher br because of missiles.

They’re already crippled planes dependent on bad radars and superb missiles to have relevance.

Better missiles and a higher BR just makes them even more hamstrung by their flight performance.

…this is the second major update of 2024



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To be clear, the arrival of the Swedish JAS-39C is strictly tied to ARH. There would be no reason to split hairs otherwise. Maybe it’s a wrong assumption on our part, but I saw a strong correlation between the plane and the missiles.

well. the only cool thing is the Beluxtree for me. but the lack of anything low tier bar a plane bothers me.

Everything else is either a bad placement, something that bad due to that bad placement or just for a nation that doesn’t interest me.


yeah I’m with you there, giving the C ARH (and I assume they’ll remove HMD from the A at the same time?) and adding it with the update does make sense, it’s more the “Fox-3 update was delayed” that I’m getting confused over

Oh i know they are crippled trust me on that. Only thing that makes them their BR are their radar missiles. Poor su 27 flies like a brick, still love it regardless. Not gonna bother with Mig 29 smt 💀

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