Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

Never joke about Soviets on the forums. You only give them buffs :P

its like giving power to the devil


KH-38 to AGM-65G is like R-13M1 to AIM-9J I think.
but IRIS-T to existing IR missiles, is like KH-38 to AGM-65B or even AGM-62A

Well… if they didnt fix the TVC. Aim-9Bs would probably be more reliable at top tier for getting kills than IRIS-T would be.

But yes, if TVC got fixed. They’d be 15km range, extremely hard to defeat, very hard to evade, missile, that can even hit targets behind the aircraft with some way to lock on like HMD

yeah IRIS-T its pretty darn op if implemented correctly at this moment but if not its just gonna

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Rank 9 is probably going to be the 4.5 gens. There’s a lot of them out there.


russia has a 5th gen already but is an attack plane

Thats a point. None of these Gen 5 IR missile will work in rear aspect vs the Su-25T/Su-39 and Im guessing even more aircraft are gunna get the same IRCM in their TT.

(I dont think they blocked these missile IRL, but its gaijin, so will in game)

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yeah until they fix them(3 years)

I disagree, but I’m hearting your post anyway cause all perspectives are valid when rational reasons are given.

Gaijin’s tvc control code is truly awful, but it still need 2 conditions, large off-axis angle and slow speed. And modern ir missiles like iris-t, it’s ability to attack target behind or far away, is based on radio command control, like arh missile.

which probably wont be modeled for the first several years

unlikely, it’s a quite special one, their IRCM is similar to Mi-24’s, used to early ir missiles. As I known, no other plane use similar things, only su-57 has DIRCM similar to L-370, and some passenger plane or vip plane, in danger area, have DIRCM

That’s a relief, Killing Su-39s is the bane of my existance at 11.3 in SB. I came up behind one in the Buc S2B first week it came out and just rammed the guy I was so annoyed with it



when yall get in plane terminology my brain shuts off completely i dont know what all that means


You know what the Ka-52 and Su-39 have that make them immune to IR locks?


ah, dosent IRIS-T have a system for avoiding that? before it gets blinded it just changes to optical tracking?

Yeah, I think they all in theory shouldnt be affected by it… But this is Gaijin… so…

(except maybe Aim-9X, it might still be affected by it)

More like R-27ER to AIM-7E. It’s laughable you even try to say they are equivalent.