Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 3)

More like R-27ER to AIM-7E. It’s laughable you even try to say they are equivalent.


AIM 9X its behind in terms of electronics, i think new AIM9X should have a fix for that but im not sure


IRCM is like a ir flash light, that interfere missile’s seeker, but advanced missile, mostly surface to air ir missiles in game, won’t be affected. DIRCM, is part of the alarm system, it can track incoming missiles, use laser to blind it’s seeker, theoretically no IR missile can resist this.

ik just need the direct name of them to understand cuz i have the memory capacity of a nintendo DS memory card and i forget their full names

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cant wait for ASRAAM since amrica and russia both kinda lack in that regard

Yeah… They are gunna be fun. But with the exception of SAMs and maybe the odd CAS. Gunna be years away unfortunately

So I shouldnt start talking about the Gr7 having the wrong MAWS and that it should be PD instead of UV and it just causes CMs to go off randomly. It also doesnt help the BOLs are totally wrong :P

(also avoid the Typhoon threads. there are even more acronyms than I can keep up with most of the time)


Is it worth getting like 5 or 8M sl if there’s a battle trophy vehicle you really want? Like super want

The F-4F ICE only tested a single one.

That’s all Gaijin needs I think :D

In my idea, speed is not that important in fixed wings CAS, especially for F&F missiles. But in air to air, speed is everything, affecting killing chance, range, etc.

I disagree. Having missiles with warheads installed I think is the most important:



Germany should get a Polish F-16D Image result for polish f-16d




Oops i already posted this 😅



well, that’s, a sad story

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yeah idk why he thinks they are equivalents, even if they are close the Kh38 is still the better missile due to it never facing a sam that can out range it
