Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

These reasons have yet not stopped Gaijin before.

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in case of the MiG-25 yes they have stopped gaijin successfully as it isn’t in game

thats the same reason we didn’t see MiG-21P/PF and similar aircraft, they’d simply be useless and too frustrating to use

Gneisenau only suffered a partial magazine explosion, not a complete one. Not something that would have destroyed any other ship. Mikasa, for example, suffered a magazine explosion and the ship can be toured in Yokosuka today. Regardless, a magazine explosion in shallow water does not always mean a total loss, just usually a total loss.

Anyway, Scharnhorst isn’t tanky because she was in real life. She’s too tanky because of the way the weird way the game calculates damage.


eh that exists potentialy for hungary, but does it for any other country?


I hope with the fact we now have dreadnought premiums in most or all trees that we get to see more WW2 battleships, like Bismark and KGV etc

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Hmmm what commonwealth tank could go to 11.7 for Britain mytho? I have nooooo idea…

Nigerian VT-4 obviously :)


that one wont happen lol

You never know

Hopefully not.

I mean challengers could easilly be competitive if the turret armour worked lol.

its just a stupid move right now, steals the identity and uniqueness from the british tree, when its best vehicle becomes a leoaprd as well

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i just want my Ajax at the moment but i am trying to figure out what they will add that’s from the commonwealth
the list is big

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i can see stuff like the australian redback being added to UK, but the top tier mbts seem highly unrealistic

or stuff that isn’t even top tier like an aussie sabre (which is different to the American one)

2A7HU for Italy (like you already said)

Merkava Mk.4 Barak with fixed armor for Israel

Leclerc XLR with a shit ton of fixes for all leclercs for france

SEPv3 for US

BVM '23 with 3BM59 for Russia

Only ones I’m not super sure about is China and Britain. I guess the M1A2T for china, but that would likely be worse than the current SEPv2 and a challenger 3 prototype or hypothetical canadian 2A6 would still be far below the likes of the 2A7V and 122s.


that one could be more possbile yeah

thats the thing, most of the stuff would require fixes, which would resolve the line ups either way, and wouldnt even necesarily require new vehicles. Besides that the §BM59 doesnt realy make much difference either, just like the a3 for US

3BM59 is just Tungsten version of 3BM60 so would realistically be either the same or worse.