Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yup. I can deal with one Scharnhorst “alright” (hitcam LOVES to lie and say his guns are black while they’re shooting at you), but when you have two in a match it makes it really a miserable experience.
Hopefully Mutsu means Gaijin is actually going to get off their lazy butts and actually start adding more modern battleships which will hopefully reduce the negative impact of Scharnhorst. (until bismarck gets added lmao)

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Renown cant fight 1. Neither can hood. Unless you roll that 1 in a million shot that somehow pens and takes out his ammo.

Otherwise, you are dead within a few salvos from the Scharnhorst


Getting a suprise appendix removal. Wish me luck guys. I’m sure I’ll be fine. I saved up my backup vehicles for just this type of thing of the surgery goes awry.


Let’s hope you don’t need to lose your bibliography as well.

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I’ll ask for them to add a nice foreword.

Not our fault Gajin added Scharnhorst that early. It was a rather modern interwar, almost WW2 design. Gajin jumped over alot German battlecruisers from WW1 era. Even the most iconic ones were just bypassed and suddenly there was the Scharnhorst ingame.

Its armor layout and the internal torpedo bulges as well as its high compartmentalization are legendary. I just remember the Gneisenau sister ship, which was hit at dockyard by an RAF raid, which caused its B turret magazine to explode (was under maintencance and lot hatches were left open…). For every other ship it would have meant a total loss. This one just left harbor the same day to steam towards a naval base further east. As well as the Battle at North Cape. Scharnhorst sunk after 18 Torpedo hits and 15 main calibre BB gun hits. If you include medium and small calibre cruiser / DD fire, it took hundrets of hits.

So no surprise here, if WT is even just a bit realistic, it just must be tanky.

When does even the first update is suppose to come? Next month? April?

Will be March, probably 2nd or 3rd week of March

So we should be soon seeing devblogs for new vehicles. Wonder what we will get. I really hope it would be a SPAAs, especialy for nations that nead them around mid tier (3.3 to like 8.7 Around those BRs are some pretty huge gaps)

Every nation other than Russia needs something. I am hoping for a new top Italian fighter, and any tech tree vehicle between 10.3 and 11.7 for German ground.

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Personally i want more low tier/mid tier vehicles. I’m getting lil bit sick of all the high tier vehicles. Plus for anyone that is somewhat new to the game, those all new high/top tier vehicles they are adding, they wont see for a long time. Even with premium vehicles it will take a while before they get to that vehicle. The low/mid tier vehicles are i would say pretty easy an fast to get…and i would say even more fun to play.

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Did you say new Russian 11.3 premium

Please no.

There is nothing you can do to stop it
It will come
Probably soon

Hopefully something to get every other nation up to a similar level as Germany and Sweden at 11.7 ground.

I wonder what it’ll be

Only last two wouldnt be copy paste, yet these last two would be a guarantee to be in USSR TT.
So in other words all these are a copy paste.

I don’t think MiG-25 would fit in the TT

if it would we’d have seen in 2 years ago

It would fit in the TT.
It just doesnt fit into the game cus of its possible height being too good.

it’s got no Guns, it got 4 Super unmanouverable missiles that are worse than R-23 in every aspect, it got no CM and only the upgraded version got a PD radar and some regular R-60 to make up for the bad R-40s

it’s top speed and top altitude doesn’t matter because we already have the F-15 which was designed to fight the MiG-25

don’t even get me started on the airframe itself

don’t get me wrong, I too want the MiG-25, it’s just a terrible aircraft for Warthunder
the regular version would be 10.0 Max, PD/PDS could go up to 10.7 I think

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