Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

it is not small but in fact overperforming in percentage still pen values are wrong but still overperforming its supossed to be 20% more not 25% more, nvm im dumb af i used wrong calculations

They will probably never add late AV-8B+ as it would be dead against fully armed late 4th gens. AV-8B+ with AIM-9M, AIM-120B and HMD at 12.3/12.7 would be in a perfect spot to not destroy downtiers and not be outclassed in uptiers. Late variant with AIM-9X and AIM-120C-5/7/8 would be forced to fight things like Eurofighters and Rafales while having half the missile load and much worse flight performance.

UK collecting every Euro-Canard like infinity stones


First the Canards, then the world.


The sun rises once again, for the British Empire has returned


UK will grow larger


speaking of


Idk, hence my doubt.

What if the values of the Chinese cannon are also incorrect?

It just doesn’t seem really significant, while irl a 25% longer barrel could have other implications, just to get 5% penetration under normal conditions.

There was a time when the sun never set on the british empire

Especially Eurofighter.

“The grass is much greener
On the other side
Because of Russian Bias”

That’s true but I more meant the active canards as the ones on the Viggen are more like foreplanes with flaps IIRC, they still create lift (differentiating them from strakes), but they are coupled and don’t move besides the trailing edge flaps.

(very drawn out way of saying, I meant more the modern European Brothers).

We will have them all.

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Naval Tejas perhaps.

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@el_Argentino I think I know the pattern for this event now

I think they will add the Gripen E in that update, it would have some advantages over the early Rafale and Eurofighter like more advanced avionics, and a better radar, whilst having a closer number of hardpoints and a higher T/W than the base Gripen.

A bit off topic, but I somehow survived the object 292 while getting shot on the side - as a ZTZ96 - and I assume he aimed at my center mass. My friend praised its mobility and firepower and interestingly he runs HE first since theres so many CVs and other lights at the BR the APFSDS goes through with no significant damage.
Yeah its a bit incomplete. It should be 10.7 imo when its things are fixed and that would also meant that it would do its role as intended, demolishing very heavily protected tank at the BR such as the ZTZ99II/III and merkava mk.3.


I watched the Justin plays and SakoSniper videos on it and the HE worked very well from the looks of it.

Well since they are now stuffing India and only India via the commonwealth reason.
I think they maybe planning a sub nation for them in the future for Britain

Sub nation =/= Sub tree

Nah give Britain the rafael before france, it would be funny