Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

My stants If they add the Turkish one as a premium or what ever then there is no point in Germany having the Canadian one even if it’s GE or event.


Haha, well. I hate to inform you but the Soviets won’t be getting an MKI! Now if you cut in before the Su-30SM, my favorite flanker of all time, I will be big sad.

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Guys I got a new leak list from that server


That’s just the physics panicking when there’s too much going on, makes debris ignore gravity to make processing lighter. Been in the game for ages

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your now gonna get hate

you should of made it the RazerVon list

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I do make the same assumption. Im guessing, whereever possible, they wont move aircraft and Im not expecting to see loadouts change as well. For example, with split BRs the Jaguar Gr1A could recieve Aim-9Ls, move up in ARB, but remain 10.3 in GRB. But Im not expecting that too happen, instead im expecting it to drop to 10.0 in ARB.

the concern was more for Sea Harrier FA2 (yet to be added) vs an all-aspect IRCM system that I think you’ve concluded didnt exist for the Su-25SM3 (please correct me if im wrong. I wasnt following that closely). The concern there was that the Sea Harrier FA2 most of the time, would not have guns and be reliant upon Aim-9M or AMRAAM to deal with an air target. IRCM, MAWS, plenty of chaff and a half decent pilot could render the FA2 harmless in ASB.

I had a very tricky enocunter in the Tornado F3 vs a Su-39 in ASB not that long ago, where i was forced down to guns only, with a very limitted ammo pool and a skilled Su-39 pilot. It tested me to my limits. Thankfully I got off a Skyflash and the prox fuse did enough splash damage to allow me to get my guns onto target. It was not an easy kill.

But at the same time, I see the difficult place the Su-39 is in in GRB. Forced to fly low and slow, IRCM is the main defence for some threats and is a handy tool im sure in ARB.

My main concern within those enviroment is balance. It would be nice to see MAWS and ECM systems come to other aircraft. Like rear-aspect MAWS for the Harrier Gr7 or Sky Shadow Radar ECM for the Tornado IDS’s. It would be good to have these systems even out.

Yep. Absolutely. Mutli-role comes at a cost. I know from experience and few aircraft currently in the British line actually have anything even resembling multirole. You can specialise some aircraft for one or the other, but few can do both seemlessly.

There is actually a group of us working on this kind of thing

That would see CAP become cheaper, and loadouts to actually have an impact on SP cost far more dynamically.

The aircraft on my list that I hope move are:

Jaguar Gr1A and Tornado Gr1 (and other 11.3 IDS) down 0.3 BR in ARB. But remain at their current BRs for GRB (though Tornado Gr1 has the option to move to 11.7 in GRB if it gets some buffs)

(the Tornado WTD61 and MFG could also probably go down to 10.7 in GRB, with no guided weapons)

But Inversely Im hoping the Harrier Gr7 comes down 0.3 BR in GRB as it currently has some major vulnerabilities (which could get buffed) and is only really held to 11.7 by its Aim-9Ms. An 11.3 rating might be more appropriate for its current state for GRB.

There are certainly plenty that can move around though. But there is also the split CMs to remember that are coming too. With any luck… That will give several aircraft a notable buff as well.

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I mean it’s a leek list right ? lol




One thing that bugs me why is there a 109 C1 ?

Like who is going to grind that now ?

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maybe people that just dont have top tier jets bro

May I remind you that we got Sea Harrier FRS.1 (early) couple months after Sea Harrier FRS.1 got added as squadron vehicle

Just give it a pair of AMRAAMs it will do fine at top tier

More like 9 months but yeah. Does happen

Yeah it is what it is. C-1 would be a nice addition still

There 's more Jaguar IS model 's in the assetviewer:

" jaguar_is_litening " is the one we’re getting in the event. Since Smin stated so recently that there are no real plans to add anymore Jag 's after this, the unused " jaguar_is " one( has a different wing, both cannons, and TIALD on center station ) is probably going in the have-on-hand pile like the Mirage 2000C-S3.


so entry level Jaguar IS basically

Basically. It 's much more similar visually to the GR.1A, but the wing is again different.

that makes sense

different how? you mean the magic pylon or something else?