Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

That’s PT3, same helicopter as in the picture I linked

I think everyone knew F/A-18s were coming at this point but I wonder if they’ll just add it to US only as indicated here or to a couple of nations at once.

That’s a good question. If US only then what other planes are the nations that didn’t receive a plane last update going to get

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Lets be honest here, you’re definitely naive if you think gaijins adding the F/A-18 to just the US

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Well usually the list puts other nations on there, take the last one for the December update


See the EF-2000


Bare minimum sweden also gets one

EF2000 is easy to say those 3 nations get them because its the mainstay of those 3 nations

Using that same list as an example it only listed japan for the M44, which multiple nations got

That’s true.

They’re basically inconsistent, probably on purpose

HARMs are not so useful against smaller SPAA, they’re better against radar installations.

Adding HARMs wouldn’t really upset anything imo, they’d really just serve to broaden the amount of objectives we can have in a given match.

There are 2 reasons imo:

  1. We’re supposed to be getting new SPAA at top tier (according to CMCD#4)
  2. Both the SWIP and the Hornet could get HARMs

If we’re getting new SPAA, that likely means we’re getting stationary radar installations. Those would be good targets for HARMs.

Absolutely no one would be surprised if most nations an F-18.

US, Japan, Britain, Sweden and Germany could get one.



I’ve discussed this before, but in terms of likelihood:

  • USA - Guaranteed to get the A, A+, C, etc. (not necessarily all in the same patch, but eventually)
  • Sweden - Guaranteed to get the Finnish F-18C and/or F/A-18C
  • Britain - Wildcard, up to Gaijin whether we see the Aussie/Canadian Hornets
  • Germany - Wildcard, up to Gaijin whether they add the Swiss Hornet (the asset should be ready though, it was leaked like 3 times)
  • Japan - Unlikely (imo), since Malaysia isn’t declared a subtree (yet), although I would prefer it going to Japan than to China



I reckon for the easy C&P a few will come. Like the CF-18. But for the record. Would be far happier with the Harrier Gr9A or BAE Hawk 200 this update.


Thats putting a lot of faith in the snail. Again for now there’s no need, id rather have SPAA be dominant than CAS and if the time arrives where CAS can’t deal with SPAA then we can look at better CAS munitions

Please no.

Proper Brimstones would be good rather than the nerfed mess we have right now

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An Aussie Hornet with Python 4s/ASRAAMs is the only one that I’m okay with seeing in the British tree.

  • F/A-18A Early ( pre Operation Prairie Fire & Desert Storm) or F/A-18A (Desert Storm era) ?
  • The early 4.5 gen fighter aircraft for soviet/russia tech tree, BR 14.3
    But I want Su-30SM from russian navy
  • A-6E SWIP every time lol
  • Heavy cruiser or battleship
  • New british battleship ?
  • The first helicopter squadron for france ?
  • I don’t know this vehicle
  • Like Ariete C1 from researchable tree