I would much prefer to have them limited to only 9 or something like on the Typhoons and be FnF than what they are now.
Meanwhile I could see that being a reason to go to the US as an option for them to get something with a decent IR missile.
CF-18 is a straight C&P and really doesn’t add anything of value to the US tree other than some epic skins
I agree, I’m just saying it’s a possibility. Things are aligning a little bit, so it’s a possibility.
(translation: I’m coping)
I also agree that right now there’s zero need. But if we get some incredible new SPAA with radar installations it could be a good balancing factor to force CAS players to take ARMs instead of direct fire munitions.
I would too, but CAS also has to have a way to counter overpowered SPAA. Not to mention more objectives in GRB, ARB, and ASB helps to diversify the game. It’s also worth noting that CAS might have to trade out some AGMs for the sake of ARMs, which serves as an interesting balancing dynamic.
Best solutions I’ve come up with is exponential SP costs past 6.
Allows the full 18 be used in gamemodes like SB, but doesn’t make them OP in GRB.
That would work, also. Having to spend 1200-1500 or so SP for all 18 so that they wouldn’t show up nearly as much would indeed be better.
Yep, the full 18 could even be more than that.
But in the meantime. The bare minimum should be Brimstone 2s. It’s BS enough we have no FnF. But an ahistorical version of the Brimstone as well (never used 1s) and then all the radar issues including no GMTI/T mode.
It’s really really annoying
The extra range and speed of the Brimstone 2 would make SAL guidance bearable for the most part.
Yep and the 2s could be used “off-boresight” so you wouldn’t have to necessarily point your nose at the target
3s could also be considered for 0 drift IOG
Watch someone point out Kai_TG as justification for it staying as is.
Ah, Yukari33 drop new leak
Probably. The people wanting fake nerfs for the typhoon despite the fact it’s actually underperforming loads is hysterical and entirely predicted
sneglen vil aldrig lære ordentlig balance…
CAS for the most part will aleays have the advantage as SPAA right now and going forward for most nations will be defenseless against munitions already fired. The amount of times ive wiped an enemy SPAA with a vehicle because i know where their spawn is is hilariously busted and nore so that people still defend CAS.
As soon as i spawn enemy spaa on 90% of maps are doomed. And theres nothing they can do about it because they don’t see the missile coming.
Hope they can add BTR82 and KV1-1942 this time, which have exist for a long time
Considering we don’t know how either HARMs or new SPAA will perform in game, this is a pointless discussion. The CAS/SPAA balance we’re discussing now is completely different from what is in game currently, so there’s nothing we can definitively say that is meaningful.
We have a pretty good idea given gaijins track record. I mean look at Penguin or Komorans. Both are reskinned Mavericks that are missing both their unique guidance and behaviors. Its pretty likely new CAS munitions will work the same because its not feasible to have many towed radars set up like ai vehicles on the map thoigh this depends on the spaa systems. Again whatever way we put it CAS will almost always be stronger and will keep getting stronger.
Work the same as what? We don’t have anti-radiation missiles in the game AT ALL yet. Again, this is a pointless discussion, we don’t know how these things will be balanced.
Gaijin has already stated in CMCD#4 that they are working on SEAD but it’s not a priority. Their main priority is new SPAA. We could see HARMs soon, or we could see them much later. It all depends on where things are on the pipeline and whether Gaijin thinks we need them or not.
that’s what they plan on working on
modern SAM system may not be unbeatable (although a decent crew with top of the line gear can probably defend against anything, even Harms), but it will provide a large area of protection, meaning getting close enough to get a lock on tanks will prove much, much harder.
VLS ones are also fox3 f&f, fired upwards, which means hiding will be far more difficult : not only do you have to cut the LOS between the ground radar and your plane, you must also do the same thing against a missile coming from above you.
And let’s not even get in the range territory.
Of course, all this depend on the model of SAM they chose, but if they go with top of the line equipment, destroying ground units in CAS will be a far more time consuming activity
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