Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Dude can you stop with C&P this C&P that as you kept saying it since the leak list and it’s getting boring now.

If you don’t like it then don’t play it simple : )



No it isn’t. Just because you disagree with the results, doesn’t mean its rigged.

Personally, I think it would be pretty neat to have a rework, but I don’t really care one way or another.

But clearly it was always going to be a polarising change and the vote is reflecting that.

Did he… C&P his older posts?
[Badum tisssss]


I wish I was Spanish…
Can’t imagine having time for such a thing [sigh]

Idk but I’m just happy with the Finnish KV-1 even if it’s premium, if it’s anything like the Russian E then it really doesn’t need a line up just back ups which it got.

Plus the planes will company it really nicely.

I repeat once again; it is not “because I disagree with the results”. If there had been a consistent “no” tendency, I would not have said anything.

I only find it fishy because, for 21 hours, there was a clear and consistent tendency to 70-30 favourable to “yes”; and SUDDENLY, out of nowhere and in the blink of an eye, 21 hours later… it flipped from 70-30 to 50-50. Excuse me if I find this to be strange.

It was unintentional though, I was too tired and fell into a comma lmao


Mate, its been up literally a day and a bit. Its not like the vote was positive for 2 years and swung the other way overnight.

You’re always going to get unpredictable swings a day in. Its just not enough time to stabilise.

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F-4F Peace Rhine too

I checked the results right before taking a siesta, and it was 70-30, just as it had been for the prior 21 hours; I wake up from said siesta barely 2 hours later, and it’s suddenly 54-46.

You should surely understand that now I am like:


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What happened is people voted their preference like the dev blog asked for.

And they just happened to have been waiting to just the right time to vote at the exact same time after 21 hours of losing. Just to give it an epic “Endgame Portals” moment feel.

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Instead of accusing the poll of being compromised, feel free to convince players to vote your way with proper arguments in the official thread.

Interesting relevant community manager quote from a ridiculous conspiracy theory thread.


Its strongest War Thunder player, he stream at russian.

And. He didn’t even try to understand what was written there. He just look at pictures “how it will be changed” and said, we should vote no. I don’t want the shells to be weaker.

He has unrivalled authority among the entire CIS community. Everything he says, the CIS community will support.


Oh… wow. I mean, wow.

So the voting was compromised as we suspected indeed.


Thank you for the source!

The way this community reacts when votes don’t go their way is insane.


Don’t stress. And I don’t mind gajin add AIM-9L on 2 British Phantom from RAF (F-4J (UK) & F-4M) but decrease BR to 11.7 for Air RB

Currently BR 12.3 (Air AB) and 12.7 (Air RB & Air SB)

I don’t mind AIM-7M characteristics slightly different AIM-7F

New Air-to-Air weapon presets, my guess

  • 2x AIM-9L
  • 4x AIM-9L
  • 4 x AAM-3
  • 4x AIM-7F
  • 4x AIM-7M