Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

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Not sure where the models come from, i’ve read AC6 or AC7 at that time.

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some mods to add modern planes into the game like the f-35 or what ever

Italy could get it because of Hungary

Looks like Election of the President)))

Honestly I think they should do a general BR change a few weeks after the APHE goes live. Give the statistics a bit of time to stabilize before moving the vehicles that statistically took a significant hit in performance.

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honestly I dont really care about about the APHE changes I main britain and we only have solid shot so eh this is only a buff for us

Those damn mail-in voters :P

BR changes will happen it’ll need to happen. But when it happens will depend.

If is with a major update it’ll most likely come with the post-update BR changes if it’s added at a different time then it’s more up in the air.

When it comes to suggestions - do the developers still look at the old forums when searching for inspiration?

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you know gaijin always failed to deal large br changes goodly.

Can xbox get this discount too?

Cool airframe, bo matter how terrible it is, i’ll buy it on discount.

It’s pretty good for grinding German Air but without a discount it just isn’t worth it.

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So its getting rather close, jfc.

Knowing gaijin it wpuld get aim 120 lmao

And honestly, this is weird as hell.

For 21 hours, the vote was on the 70-30 range.

Earlier this evening, it was still 70-30; I went to take a siesta… and when I woke up, suddenly, in just 2 hours, the vote had shifted from 70-30 to 54-46; and a hour later (now), to 52-48.

I don’t know what the hell happened, but I find it weird as hell that, in a matter of 2 hours, the vote that had a clear and consistent tendency for the prior 21 hours suddenly made a 180º turn.

I’m guessing either time zones/people getting off of work, or, and I don’t want to assume anything, but people are making new accounts in order to increase the “No” vote

Or it might be that people that are more on-top of news and the forum have a different opinion than people that get their info from Youtubers and other CC’s, or are more casual.

Nah someone said in the thread that a YouTuber had told his viewers to go and vote no, which is why there was a big shift. But this is off-topic so…

This is honestly what I believe to be the case.

The vote started at 16:00 GMT, yesterday. That is:

09:00 in San Francisco.
10:00 in New York.
17:00 in London.
18:00 in Madrid.
19:00 in Moscow.

Sure it was nighttime in Asia; but, 12 hours later, it was already daytime in Asia.

This means that, during those 21 hours, it was daytime for the whole world to vote; and the tendency was still 70-30. That’s why I don’t think it was a timezone thing. There was a 180 shift after 21 hours of voting, almost a full day, had passed already…

Could be… but aren’t most youtubers favourable to this change? Someone mentioned earlier that “a youtuber had asked his subscribers to vote “No” earlier”, but I have no idea who it could be or if it’s true at all.

Anyway. If we are facing a vote manipulation attempt, Gaijin will know. They have all the data necessary to analyse and draw conclussions. If suddenly votes spiked by 500% at a specific point in time to shift the results towards the losing option, Gaijin will know there’s something fishy there.

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Kinda sucks gaijin decided that finland needed to basically be just copy paste and couldn’t bother adding some smaller details to their tank like the pepper bell muzzle. Heres hoping they eventually change it.

Had to cover up the naughty symbols with spoingus(my type 87 rcv (p) ) to avoid getting reported lmao.