Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Not russian mains, he plays on everything.

But he goes so mad then realize that no more oneshot to commanders hatch.


Oh ! I forgot F-4F (late) from germany tech tree

But AIM-9L replace 4 x AIM-9J ?

Tigers I finally gonna be put at 3.0? x))

Maybe the Char 25 will go down. Seriously that could be a huge nerf since that round is the biggest reason its so high in BR. Same also maybe for the 279 and SAV

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Would be nice but doubt

Depends on how the changes effect vehicles, some vehicles could potentially stay the same BR due to their other attributes while no longer having the ability to fight back as effectively, again we’ll see

Refried F-18 leak from almost a year ago. Either you’re meme-ing, or people have short memories, lol.

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Absolutely no chance the Buk is coming to game. Fake

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Another case of people not reading what they are voting for…

Why would you vote against a test?


Oh dont worry, it changed now. let me grab it

I vote for test

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Yeah I was memeing. These are just 3d models in unreal engine

He posted that some time ago. The vote is changing 0.01 every ~30s
Not supicious at all



It seems to have slowed down, but is still going

“surely there is no tampering here”

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The voting has been compromised before it even started. It shouldn’t have been a vote. Most people will inevitably vote based on how it will affect the meta and if it will benefit their favourite vehicles.

As you can see Russians will of course vote against it, as it will massively nerf their tanks, for example T-54s and T-55s. On the other hand Brits will vote for the changes, since it will massively buff their tanks.


last riddle vehicle will be announced on next week according to gszabi


it would pretty much “nerf” every shell with big explosive mass

I don’t feel like this should have been put to a community vote, something this game changing that invokes more realism and make things more enjoyable for people that actually care about aiming instead of cupolas