Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Not having something at certain BRs and maybe even not being competitive is part of a nations identity.

If someone doesn’t want to use the things that a nation historically had to offer, then maybe they shouldn’t play that nation and play one with vehicles that they actually want to use.

This whole “but nation x needs something from nation y to make people grind it” seems extremely counterproductive to me, especially when it makes the exporter nations less interesting.

even if they come after the vickers line the top tank in that line will still be the vickers mk7 as there is nothing in india that is better then it so honestly I dont even know why we got them, sure OSA could be something but we have our own systems I would far prefer an upgrade to the stormer to allow it to carry Marlets

That’s a great way of only having 3 nations be played at all in this game.

Nation uniqueness has a hard cutoff for many, and the minor nations this becomes very much the case. You cant offer uniqueness as the only product when you start a nation, there has to be some kind of payoff for grinding it to the end.


dont get me wrong but I agree on the most part but every nation must have a reason to go to top tier otherwise why would anyone?

the british tree is easily one of the worst for play top tier in ground, the only ones I can think of that would be worse is Isreal and maybe China

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Look at Italy for example, prior to Hungary their top tier was (F-104’s, G.91, Tornados, F-16, and a Harrier.)

NONE of those are unique to Italy. Italy wouldn’t even have a top tier tree if we only chose “Unique” vehicles for every nation

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Again, if people don’t want to use the Challengers (and whatever light vehicles Britain might get for top tier), then they shouldn’t bother with British top tier.

Well, I don’t mind C&P but what I do mind is the fact that C&P comes instead of the unique stuff. And due to the one-line nature of sub-trees, this means most of its unique stuff ends up being events.


subtree hater and nation main are appeared

The Gripen and MiG-29 aren’t unique to Hungary either.

Stuff being copy paste isn’t the problem, using subtrees to fill lineups by mixing in even more foreign nations is the problem.

I want to play challengers hell I do but their current state is a joke and I would far prefer a sub tree that adds one top tier tank hell it could be god damn anything as long as it is a competitive counterpart to the 2A6 or 2A7

Subtrees would be fine, if they all were on South Africas level

you mean kinda useless outside of maybe 3 BRs?

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Sure, but then Britain falls into obscurity, gets less attention from players and because of it even Gaijin.

All nations need to be at least somewhat equal in their appeal for players so the game can be balanced. And sadly this can only be done through combining nations.

Though I’d prefer a more elegant system of having various nations help eachother out that the current subtree system.


And the fix to that is adding another nations top tier vehicles to trees like the British one?

You’re kinda illustrating my point here, “Uniqueness” doesn’t matter entirely when it comes to Nation balancing

It would be better to stop looking at Nations as solely “Nation X”, but rather “Nation X+Y”

Hungary isn’t Italy, the Nation has both Italian and Hungarian components now. The uniqueness to the vehicles is irrelevant, the only thing that matter for gameplay reasons is balance

looks like nation main are pure British main

I mean if gaijin has only shown interest in nerfing what was meant to be Britain’s top tank then yeah it is

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Honestly, anything Canadian should’ve been given to the UK

Lord knows they needed it more


Just don’t bother, we had the same discussion last night (in my time at least) and it got nowhere with him

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You mean the one about Canada not being a British subtree?
That’s a different discussion entirely