Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Question in what update:

Must be delayed means that it may be not appear this update.

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dev blog when?

Tomorrow probably

I really start to hate sub trees because of how they are implemented

Before : Let’s introduce a country that can not be a standalone tree inside an in game nation so that a nation can have original vehicles that can fit holes.

Now : Check the archives to spam asset flips to in game nations wherever possible



Subtrees are, like many things with gaijin, an excellent, well intentioned plan, but abysmally executed because it’s Gaijin who is executing said plan




Even the plan was really ridiculous for some of them.

Hungarian helicopters were a huge middle finger to those who have been gathering suggestions and information about Italian helicopters since 2018

Finnish aviation branch was deemed to suck because of the number of wasted Finnish designs as premiums

etc etc


The finger’s got even bigger once they decided to mix them into a single line.


As a lot of us have already pointed out, the only good subtree so far is the South African one. All subtrees that came after were extremely lazy and only achieved one thing:

Reducing national identity by overshadowing the indigenous designs and filling holes with copy paste


Despite having so much potential for uniqueness, sub-trees in an ironic twist exasperate the copy paste issue.
Sure, more unique vehicles are available, but more copy pastes are too.
It’s so unfortunate


Gaijin has shown they’ll only add unique vehicles in a researchable state if in a full TT. So if we want unique sub-trees they’d need to be in a way that makes them look like a full tree, something like this for an example

It also shows how multi-nation trees would turn out. “More Nations = More C&P” so Gaijin has shown that “Less Nations = Less C&P” is how WT works at the end of the day.


And then the even funnier part is that they promise some variety later on but have recently failed to deliver anything noteworthy.


Copy pastes saved Italy from being a joke nation, to actually competitive in air RB

Yes its a boring way to introduce “new” things even tho they aren’t new, but this is a video game, and some balance needs to come in some form

Can’t really blame Gaijin that much for only adding what is historically true


Rumours & Roundup: The Soap Opera

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Here here, I mean what other nation that has unique jets that would be good for Italy ?

The answer is no one so really you’re just complaining about Italy getting a sub

tbh this is why I hate india and SA as sub trees, neither of them provide any kind of top tier ground at all, we already have their best tanks meanwhile every other sub tree goes to 11.7. I really had hope our second sub tree would fix this issue but no, its just gonna be copy paste eastern tech with no actual value since the only place it can add anything of worth is air and we dont need help in air

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UK is a very unfortunate nation

It honestly shouldn’t be as bad as it is right now, but I think the implementation of some things only made it suffer that much more. Challengers should’ve been added much earlier than they were, as well as Tornados, both of which could’ve made Britain stand well in a meta for a while

Their sub trees like you said only add variety at the mid tiers, which is cool and and all, but gives no real reason for anyone to take UK to top tier all the way

I mean it’s not even that India atm is just a cash grab and doesn’t add anything to the tree.
Like there two leaked and bloged SPAA’s where India could atcually help.

But nope some reason they left it out.

and don’t get me started how they will tag on nicely after the Vickers line.

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Throwback to New Power, where UK was meta in air (GR.1 SRAAMS at 9.3) lmao