Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Here, have a Magach Marksman as a bonus



Haha almost forgot about that one!

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I want the Sabra’s so much, I need them i’m a fan I can’t have enough of them oh god


Please. Please Gaijin release me from the unusable turd that is the F4F ICE.

I’m okay with a Hornet, despite it maybe not being the fastest or the best accelerating or whatever. Give me a jet with some actual flight performance please.


What did you say, heretic?


It’ll focus on multiple nations, that much is known.

I’d say there’s a good chance for domestic vehicles, as well as Ukrainian vehicles and tons of unique modifications from the US, Britain and others. Pure copies will likely be a minority.

I’d also say Chinese vehicles are unlikely, there is just way too many alternatives to pick from for them to still decide to upset the Chinese further than giving Japan something good already does.


Added it to the list :P (still can’t believe I had forgotten to include that one, I’ve put that in the wishlist thread a few times by now lmfao)

The only other thing I could think might be missing from the list is that one Magach 7A prototype ofekk suggested that had empty armor. I still need to read into that one and do some digging online for info on it.

There’s also the Magach Merkava tho :P

(And if we want to be loose about our Magach definition the Pereh works as well haha)


You know, you could just use another plane, right?

Ohh I have been, trust me, I’ve been doing the Whole IRIAF F-14 grind with the Mirage 2000C-S4. Mirages are just amazing in general especially compared to the turd that is the Phantom haha

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We have both: the Sk-105A1 (upgraded in Argentina to the A2 standard) and the AMX 13-105. The Argentine Kurassiers have an Austrian turret.
We also have some VC Patagon (a modernization with an AMX turret and Kurassier chassis). You might be confusing it with the latter.


ummm… Because it is RAF… Royal Air Force…

You should look up the KG-200 sometime…

captured aircraft: B-17, B-24, SM.75, LeO H-246, Short Stirling, de Havilland Mosquito, Bristol Beaufighter, Lockheed P-38 Lightning, Polikarpov I-16, Supermarine Spitfire

Just to name a few

You may as well just convert the German tree to British, and the British tree to German…

But… anyway…

has been a lot of Wish listing going on… so, they needs to go to the existing topic


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If the Tornado F3 is useable the F-4F KWS is useable

The real question is. If this is true, will German mains finally shut up for the next 3 updates after this one?

  • Gets by far one of the best MBTs at top tier

“No it’s good because our support vehicles and air power are not very strong.”

  • Gets one of the best 10.3-10.7 IFVs leaked.

“Our air is still not very strong.”

  • Gets a very competitive 4th gen fighter leaked.

  • Somehow gets a buff confirmed for that by far one of the best MBTs in game (?? Balanced?).


Sweden will get a better F/A-18 and the tears will roll again

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Will be funny AF


One of these days they’ll figure out the Swiss F-18 only has rear aspect AIM-9Ps, than they’ll go back to begging for Polish/Argentinian F-16s


That ^^

But yea I don’t see a Polish F-16 for any nation soon.


Imagine Gaijin only giving them Sparrows instead of AMRAAMs lmao


Lmaooo they’d review bomb again because “gErMaNy SuFfErS”