Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

real lol and yeah they saw the testing and evaluation of I think 11 panthers and 8 jagdpanthers after the war that were built for the UK in a german factory





I really don’t care where USSR vehicles go at this point. Recent history suggests that the Algerian vehicles probably end up with Russia. But that’s a stretch after all. BMP-2, T-72A, and Strela-10M2 to name a few, have Indian camos, and yet the one unique T-90 USSR could’ve gotten went to the UK lol.

That being said, the MiG-29SMT has an alternative Algerian camo.


Meanwhile Sweden gets a King Tiger because they bought one post war


No, I’m not asking for these to be added to Britain

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What do you want to see this update I haven’t heard you say you want somthing?

The more I look at the leaks and read through the forums, the more I feel like I would prefer to just get nothing

Yeah, not needed at all for France. Though I wouldn’t mind this for France as a premium:

An Algerian upgrade to their AML 60s which can fire Kornets. Then put the VBL Kornet in the tech tree:

It’s a shame that Franco-Russian development died off. They could’ve produced a lot of cool stuff.

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But the game has to advance somehow and that is done with new technology. They might need to fix up some stuff first but there is no preventing it.
Do you really want nothing?

F/A-18 still to early, i doubt.

Gzabi is trolling you hard i feel.

I guess this means that the Skink, Firefly, and M-51 all belong to the US then /s.

I’m being sarcastic, but there are some US mains who genuinely think that way and it’s pathetic


Honestly I think the F/A-18A could have been added at least 1 or 2 updated ago. No AMRAAMs, fairly slow acceleration and top-speed.
Yes, it can carry a lot of missiles and has good slow speed performance but only Sparrows and slow speed dogfighting performance hasn’t really been relevant at top tier in a while.

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The thing is, the stuff that I would like to see are unlikely to be added, meaning I am bound to be disappointed.

I’ve got a long list of vehicles, changes and fixes I’d like to see, I just don’t see any of that happening anytime soon (or at all in some cases)

Getting nothing at least means that it cannot be something that shouldn’t be added.


Two have been leaked already, being the CTWV ICV and RCV variant.

  • They have been hinted at in the riddle, being the warrior siblings (both variants) from the east (Japan) who watched their cousin (MAV) lose to the Finns (Patria).
  • The Baidu leak had a CTWV sized blank with JP behind it in the ground section.
  • The current leak page has two CTWV (RCV)/(ICV) sized blanks as well because “they were told to not reveal them yet”, likely by the Baidu leaker who I understand had some contact with them.

No need to be so pessimistic, this update will have at least 2 ground additions, there is a confirmed subtree in the works, we now have ARH mechanics so Gaijin can get to work on the Type 81 (C) ARH missiles and F-2 might also come any update now considering the initial variant would be SARH/IR only.

Japan has a pretty good time ahead.


I think its more likely they got it because we will never see the Emil, and the KV-1B is forever going to be on germany. It was also likely they had already planned for the KV-1A to be a prem so again the kungs tiger for me feels like their way of replacing the KV-1B.

Still doesnt make up for the fact that it shouldve been the KV-1B and not the Kungstiger but i dont make gaijins problems, i simply call them out.

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I don’t think that’ll be an issue honestly.

The subtree will be some combination of SEA nations. Assuming Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand as likely and resonable options we get:

  • Indonesia; Most Russian stuff of the bunch since they had their red phase, however with other nations in the subtree they can keep those to a minimum and add only those that get at least some unique Indonesian twist to them like their PT-76M with 90mm cannon or even just their domestic bombs on their Sukhois. Their domestic developments also far outweigh anything Russian.
  • Malaysia; Russian vehicles here are kept to a minimum, with really only their Su-30MKM and MiG-29N being Russian. Both of these are unique variants, though the MiG-29N only adds a aerial refuelling from what I understand. They did trial T-90S, but why add that when they adopted the more unique PT-91M and even trialled a variant of the Oplot that is still far more interesting and adds more Ukrainian variants to the game.
  • Singapore has Igla launchers on a heavily modernized M113, that’s the most Russian they’ll get.
  • Thailand has Ukrainian BTR-3s and the Oplot-T, neither of which we will ever see in the Russian tree.

So I doubt this will be a Russian heavy subtree at all, and even think with the many unique vehicles and variants it could easily rival South Africa as the most unique subtree. If done right, that is.


but i want it exactly this look

If it focuses on Thailand, there’s going to be a fair amount of American & British, with some Chinese stuff littered about.

Germany is popular because of wheraboo-ism.



I need the Magach 7A,


The Magach 7A 120mm,


The Magach 4,


Can’t forget the Magach Marksman!


And the Sabras!!!

Maybe a Sabra prototype would be a nice event/squadron vehicle!

Sabra Mk.1,


Sabra Mk.2,

Sabra Mk.3,

The Sabra Mk.2 and Mk.3 with APS would be lovely too!


And the M60T!


Plez gaijin I need to complete my Magach collection!!!


It’s considered the Magach 8 by some, as it’s technically a further continuation of Israeli upgrades to the M60 series.