Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

when super tomcat with amraams btw


Dk and nor would actually need to be non premium before they could fill the missing 5th air line from sweden. Would be a good addition later

Fingers crossed for danish F35 so sweden could have some useful CAS outside of the saab 105

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We need more J35s

I’m hoping for more variants of the LAV. They have a version with a 45mm and a 105 also one that carries Anti Tank missiles.

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They had the same engines but different sub-versions. C/D engines had around 20% more thrust compared to A/B engines iirc

Gajin will probably add the best J35F to germany via austria and if the germans keep begging for DK they could get the F35


Its got 9 hardpoints with 4 pylons for bombs. Huge win since CAS is horrid on sweden until gripen

Pls gaijin add Danish F35

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AIM-4 carrying J35’s would be swell

More LAV variants are a must. Would be sick to add the M-SHORAD. Stryker hill with a 30mm, stingers, and hellfires.

I would love to see more of the older missiles too, but I wouldnt really be excited about AIM-4s lol

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The swedes upgraded them to be better so they may be viable in gameplay.

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oh a like : D hehe

I’d be very excited to see them on F-89/101/2/6

Depends if gajin added the upgraded models sweden made.

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Did the Swiss use the Swedish ones on the Mirage 3S?

Dutch Leo to France.
Swiss Mirage to Ger.


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Yep i’m going to get some images. :)

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now i wonder what it could be

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I dont believe so, the missiles were exclusive to the swedish J35’s and export J35’s

Though with them asking for Denmark just to get a single f16 it does worry me i wont be able to get my home Danish F35 draken.

Still want swiss for germany for panzer 68 and leopard 140

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Only the J35F could mount the RB 27 (upgraded AIM 4)

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Yea I knew he was talking about the 11th nation and not a sub.

So we are getting warmer : P