Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Hope to god its not prem

I’m not sure.
There are no norwegian planes in the Swedish tree at the moment right?
So it would be a new nation/subnation.

Not really since there are Norwegian ground already present in the tree

I don’t even know if it can carry the 9Xs. I can’t really see it being competitive at all even with better A2G loadouts. No reason to take it over the F-16C or F-14B

F/A-18C which could carry AIM-120 also got upgraded engines which highly improved performance so it could reach and exceed mach in level flight. Not to mention AIM-120 being way less draggy than AIM-7

Tested successfully afaik but no need for operational use

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Given how everyone is likely gonna get a rank 8 premium and via Finland an F/A-18 it does make sense.

Unless you want another F-5 lol

Pretty sure the A/B and C/D all had the same engine (GE F404), the E/F had the GE F414

the main issue with this

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for real? do you have a source for that?

Nope I have almost 0 intrest in A-10 so never got further into the topic

I mean given how low the block 5 is now I would think they would pick that.

and before anybody ask , it’s the same issue with denmark

They are asking for proof about the F/A-18A being unable to reach mach in level flight, which I’d like to see as well, considering the F/A-18A could only carry 6 Sidewinders and 2 Sparrows

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The problem is their f16’s are like the 13.7 f16AM

Unless they go the italy route and just not add arh

Not every new addition has to be a end of the line super meta plane for Gaijin to add it. They have added an A variant of all other US 4th gen aircraft before later B and C versions, so I don’t see why they would stop now.

The F-14B was added a while ago, so people have had time to get their naval fighter line up to speed, so them adding the 18A would fit their goal of increasing the grind. And it’s in Gaijin’s interest to spread out what little 4th gen options Sweden has, so I don’t expect the Finnish 18C soon.

Besides that, the A-10C is also going to be DOA, yet is likely still being added.

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The C model had an improved 404. “Beginning in 1992, the F404-GE-402 enhanced performance engine, providing approximately 10% more maximum static thrust became the standard Hornet engine.”

ah ok

but you have less of AIM-7 on hornet, than amraams

Ah, aight