The lack of a top tier aircraft for germany


The images that were shared with swiss roundels were fake. They never flew them they just looked at them iirc.


they were looking at ordering them and decided not to

I can assure they’ll buff Su-57 or Su-75 enough

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When has that ever stopped Gaijin? :p

They never flew them they just looked at them iirc.

They had to have flown them in order to ascertain their capabilites, there’s a reason why we have a whole document comparing the Gripen to the EFT and to the Rafale.


Bro, dont spam other threads.

This sounds like technical support issue, not something forum admins can help you with.

Forgive me if im wrong, but have Danish forces been added to the game? if not, they have a great F-16 that could add to Germany. Also, Austria would be cool.

this is a photo of a bunch of planes that the austrian air force has used. So sure, we can say there aren’t minor nations, but there really is. and sure, these aren’t really TT planes, but it would definitely ease the lack of some other things. (im also pretty confident these are all different variants which would be slightly unique in their own ways.)

literally every nation will be able to have an F-35 or a very similar counterpart in the game. USA-yes, Germany- yes Russia- Su-75 will work fine as a counter, literally a copy of F-35, Britain-yes Japan- yes China- J-31B is going to be a counter, Italy- yes France- they are quite literally developing a similar counterpart to the F-35, and im sure that the plane will be in production stage by the time of the F-35 in war thunder. Also, belgium literally will get one in the subtree. Sweden- Finland has F-35 fighters, which will be added to the tree. Israel-yes.

okay, say we don’t need anything, but say typhoons are coming… literally what im asking for

it isn’t good at much else. as you said, it doesn’t even have HMD

I think the point being made is dont expect the Typhoons to come Sep/Oct. Im guessing they’ll come in December. Germany may very well be stuck with F4F-ICE as their highest BR fighter between now and then. Also fully expect other nations to get better aircraft in Sep/Oct (happened last year) widening the gap.

Also dont expect the early Typhoons to aid Germany in GRB beyond strong CAP. They have basically no CAS.

thats fair

yes, unless a subtree is added, i would presume so

yeah, i don’t really play their ground, so not a massive concern, im sure if a subtree is added it will suffice.

I dont know what to tell you other than “Shit happens” at this point. Every nation will have some point they are lacking at due to what they had access to IRL. A Typhoon is too much at the moment (sadly.)

I dont think Germany needs a subtree. You can make it to December, I believe in you!

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Yep. I think Germany’s only hope for anything A2A Sep/Oct would be F-18 from Switzerland, which may or may not be top tier worthy, though probably an upgrade over the ICE depending on loadout.

But Sweden and Britain had 11.3s to fight 12.0s and even 12.3s like the Mig-29 and Mig-29G for all of 2023 till we finally got the Gripen in December. 12 months with nothing competitive is nothing new for Gaijin.

The swedish tree is to be turned into a nordic esq tree currently dk has only entered into sweden but youd have to ask the staff for an exact answer.

I don’t main germany, but i still think its sad how they have to run an aircraft that isn’t even good at their highest BR of 13.3. The airframe sucks, is slower and less maneuverable than the vehicles at the same BR, and it doesn’t have HMD, which is necessary for such a bad turning platform

Switzerland is actually not that unreasonable of a sub-TT for Germany. Adds a few things but nothing too crazy.

Its close, really really close. A year ago people were saying the F-15C MSIP II would be needed for the US to counter the Typhoon… So…Probably would only be 14.0 (the DAs) but US and USSR need at least 14.3s first.

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I mean we saw how well gaijin keeps their promises… I wouldn’t rule out the possibility but denmark is more german than it is swedish, or at least I would say

Like how Belgium fills France’s bad spots up (inb4 someone says they didnt need F-16s) I guess it makes some sense to add Swiss vehicles, from their Bf 109s to F/A-18s and everything in between. Would be interesting, but still lots of copy paste.

I’m itching for a Typhoon right now, maybe if we get lucky it comes in September.

Its not that they are swedish rather its that they are of nordic heritage as far as gaijin is concerned.

Im feeling it would be unlikely to come in either autumn update and the Typhoon and Rafale are the BIG additions everyone is expecting and like how the F-15 and Gripen came in December. Im expecting the Typhoon and Rafale to be that update.

But yes, I am aswell. Im not a fan of the Gripen (dont get me wrong its good) but i just dont enjoy it, I have no “connection” to it. Typhoon would be very different and would be awesome. Looking forward to PIRATE as well.

The best im hoping for (as a Brit main) in Sep/Oct is BAE Hawk or Tornado Gr4 (and I think the Gr4 is possible as Germany could do with the ASSTA3.1 and might as well add all 3 “late” Tornado IDSs at the same time)