Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)


To be honest. I dont think Britain needs another full Sub-TT, at least not from 1 perticular nation. Instead i’d love for them to just do the rounds for our export stuff.

Challenger Falcon from Jordan
Hunter from Oman
F-86 Sabre (modified) from Australia ( I know the F-86 isnt exported from us, but perhaps in palce of the RAF Sabres we did actually use)

and then a few unique stuff from associated nations, like

Avro Arrow and LAVIII from Canada


Greek chally also

Yeah… Perhaps… If it gives something we dont already have. When it comes to Challenger 2s. Id rather see the Streetfighter because one with a Dozer blade would be quite intersting (either that or re-add the dozer blade to teh base chally 2)

Could be a cool premium, im just a sucker for the camo though

A premium Chally 2E would likely sell a hell of a lot better than the 2OES. But even just the skin for the 2E we have might be enough


tbf I dont think the EFT was really meant for the export market


New leak list find in chines site


Both eft and gripen focused on designs for their home countries before export. Which is why neither went with a arrester hook.

At least both eft and gripen dont burn a hole in your wallet just to keep them operational lol.

Indeed, part of the country behind EF wanted to export recently and Germany said no, building some drama.

Im not getting into the Rafale vs Typhoon Debate.

(though typhoon does look way better :P)

Rafale is better when you need to bomb something as it has the bigger CAS loadout. It also has better range and the carrier strike capabilty

If what you need is air superiority, especially QRA. Then Typhoon is better.

But overall they are different sides of the same coin.

that being said, the last time Britain had to fight French built aircraft (the Falklands) the french built aircraft got their asses handed to them :P


Still waiting for my Dutch flying egg…




yeah… i think this is pretty fake.

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So many Leopards, ewwwwwwwwwww

Premium VT-4? It could be Thai VT-4 I guess


instead of hybrid

And my baby Mirage 2000 xD



Yeah no

I wont believe the PzH 2000 going to italy first

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