Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

can’t see it here

yeah, and tbf we all know who is the real export king now days, cant wait till the end of the line with everyone with F35s

I also cant remember the Netherlands using an 2A6MA3.

We do use the 2A6MA2 though.

You forgot something French hurted you also there :)))


Politics sell more than the plane itself.

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god bless the zero air to air loses of the harrier

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And the Netherlands also uses the PZH2000NL, so why would France not get that thing then…
Or its a Fokker D.XXI situation with Finland…

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Lil draken


100% fake list but that T249 is very interesting

Yeah, the SHar really needs some TLC in war Thunder, its record is awesome, but in game its shown nothing but neglect .

Who ever used it more gets it forever…

Too big, look at that cute thing !



@Hyrikul @BleedingUranium

A bit of my findings regarding underwater terrain on diverse maps, in a spoiler because this is quite long


First off, credits where it is due : I just did some modifications on the very good u216 user mission made by polaska, you can find it at this link : WT Live // Model by Polaska001

So here we go :


Here you can see the limit where the floor stops being modelled :

Which leads to the camera coming back to the surface :


Most shallow waters will look like this :

With some details smetimes :

When deeper waters are present, there’s usually a cliff (found across basically every map) which then leads to a 190 m deep plateau :

As you can see : same principle : cliff + 190m deep plateau :

Some are more original, like this event map :

Overall, it wouldn’t look “beautiful” while playing subs, and the lack of modelling means less map knowledge required, since it would be a comfortable 190m deep anywhere. Not unusable as it is if subs were to arrive tomorrow, but not great yet ^^’


The lil draken flew in 1952 and the payan flew in 1954, pretty strange both nations made one so close to each other without involvement

That does not make sence and you know it

Wasnt trying to, its gaijin logic. That hasnt made sense in a while

I mean look at sub trees

Damn thanks for your work, inquisitor !

… Did somebody made a Surcouf mod…? I need that. xD

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That because it is I even have a link to the site

I want to explore underwater so badly! The sunken city map is especially cool!

wasnt that the YF-17?