Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

lets brainstorm real quick what is the worst possible idea that make zero sense and has next to no ties to the uk AND doesnt go to top tier at all

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if we do, not any time soon

Premium sub nations, they have to be .3 behind top tier that way its not top tier

No deal then, Belgium have strong tie with us. It’s the most logical to come with us of the 2.5.

Meanwhile Swiss have lot of interesting stuff made with us too.

All those drama would not happen if Gaijin never opened the pandora box of the sub TT, and just add vehicles to where they belong the most.


Def not, india is fairly recent. But if gaijin wants to keep the game running they will add more sub trees.

The argument of where vehicles belong the most already happens lmao

Ahem, better germany (at top tier and now 6.7)thank you

Or germany is worse sweden.


I will say while the subreddit is a cesspool they do have some funny memes


Nothing against that idea x)

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Best solution is to simply make every nation on the planet a sub-tree to somewhere, preventing all future debates and ensuring any given nation’s vehicles can be used in lineups together (instead of fighting themselves).

i got a stroke reading that

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Who would want to waste their money on the Rafale :P


He makes sense just make one nation with every vehicle. I mean it woul stop nations like Ger/US/UK from arguing over who owns Can, and AU

Its pretty expensive to buy and their upkeep price is the highest of the three Eurocanards iirc

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Your jealousy overflows

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But it’s better than other Eurocanards, that’s why.

If not it would not outsells them.

Not even sure for the price.

Itd pretty hard to not be jealous of that thing ;3

If Britain is realistically gonna get a third sub then by spider sensors say it’s gonna be Qatar or Oman.

As gaijin don’t seem to care about cultures when it comes to subs

Low BR boxer with SLAP rounds

Eh not really, they all have strong points. Regardless just because a vehicle is good doesn’t mean its the best option if it needs millions of dollars just to operate every few months.

SR 71 syndrome

Me too…
I’m tired of the promotion of Eastern vehicles.