Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

well better than getting them all leaked… J8F tech isn’t like some super insane unheard of stuff but could still be valuable to both evaluation of the strategy and development.
I hope it is phased out although I guess with the generation policy it should have been long gone.

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Pretty much on its last legs and AFAIK it doesn’t conduct important missions either, just waiting to be substituted with either J-10, J-16 or J-20.

It is still a very important part of the western sector, who do nothing all day but exercise and there is 0 real need for combat, since there are no enemies on that side.

Somewhat important since its not that useful… but yeah other command theatres have the priority.

Yeah, I have seen hundreds of better anime skins from the same game. And uses a handful of these.

My last laptop has a 40G userskins folder


Devblog when?

It’s the weekend


40GB of anime skins?




Rookie numbers try 500GB of content for Trainz lol


They should at least have put in a bayonet

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The Eurofighter/F-18 debate is hilarious, keep it up y’all.

Gaijin has said on multiple occasions that their first priority is to add vehicles when they are ready (for implementation-- Gaijin’s standards on that and the playerbase’s expectations definitely are different sometimes).

The most logical conclusion we can come to based on the information we have and Gaijin’s previous actions is that they are considering the F-18 for this update, but if it will be ready in time is uncertain, and if they add it it will at least go to Germany since even Gaijin acknowledges that the ICE is not competitive against 4th gen fighters.

Of course, Gaijin’s preference would be to add the F-18 to every nation that could use it (USA, SWE/FIN, DEU/CHE). This makes the playerbase happy and Gaijin happy (more vehicles in more trees for less work = more money).

The F/A-18C will not revolutionize the current meta. My understanding is that the only thing the F/A-18C offers beyond what is already available in game is some advanced air-to-ground armament, but CAS already has an advantage over ground vehicles (except long-range AA like the Pantsir) so I don’t see this making a huge change in the meta. The game is ready for the F/A-18C (or earlier variants) in its current state.

The Eurofighter is a slightly different story. It solidly falls into the category of a 4.5 gen, even 5 gen fighter depending on who you ask. It’s the kind of thing that Gaijin will bring into the game alongside equivalents from other nations as part of a meta-shifting update. I could easily see both of the Eurocanards coming to the game as part of one big update plus a newer Eagle, F2, MiG or Sukhoi, and Shenyang. And when the Eurofighter comes, it will come for all nations that use it.


But if that the case that’s mean we are far away from eurocanards era saddly, because if they are soon (december or start of 2025) i doubt Gaijin would fill the Gap of Germany with an F-18 just for a 3 months to wait at best if EF are that close.


Exactly this is why Im so violently against the addition

this will be justification to just not add anything good for the Euro nations


You know it’s never one or the other, right?

Take a look at the US, practically overflowing with top rank fighters. Giving Germany more options won’t delay anything, and only add more options where otherwise would’ve just been nothing.


I’ll repost my Prediction for you


Right on!

To add to that list, GB could possibly receive Hornet from either Australia or Canada


I don’t see a glorious and cool looking Rafale in that prediction, hence it’s a wrong one :p

But yeah looks ok.

Saddly i don’t think that’s a thing for Gaijin.

Take the DF105 (without coming back on that) what stopped Gaijin to adding both ? More vehicle = less work = more money, BUT on some cases like that, no.

US and soviets are an exception to this rule

the you already have competitive Fighter! argument was the N⁰1 Justification that Gaijin and the majority of the people on the forums used and still use when anyone asked for a New jet in the past

we didn’t get the F4F to Flesh out the ranks when the MiG-21MF was top

we didn’t get a Tornado alongside a MiG to stay competitive we always got either one or the other and had to wait a year until the west or east German counterpart came

the french and British tech trees are no diffrent

for a current example: None of you would support the Addition of a Shilka, T-55 T-62 and BMP-2 to the German tech tree even tho Germany had them and it would just flesh out the ranks


If a minor country want more jets : " you already have competitive Fighter! "

If USA (or Russia but a little less) got another jet : “Yeah but it’s USA, they build a lot”.

Dual standard x)