Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I’m happy that China is getting some love with this update, because it feels like they have been getting the short end of the stick with new additions recently. China and Israel more so than most other nations honestly imo.

Still curious what that “99A remake” from the chinese leaker is and besides that there are also still some cool vehicles for other nations.

Does that mean that we have guessed EVERY plane thats coming in the update? That you know of( whatever ones they will end up being)

Believe it or not most players I knew rejected or did not have faith such leaks when it came out, since for the past years China has been in quite a miserable place just like Britain, with Britain being worst. Unironically, 90% of the people that posted about the J-10 mentioned how gaijin will try to intentionally handicap it to non-IRCCM capable missiles, only up to two PL-12s(while in theory upwards to a 6+2 combo with 4+2 being bare minimum) and a FM that is worse than F15s.

No only the datamined/leaked and not even that because a new plane got added after that statement

For air, but China top tier ground is/was considerably better than Israel, Italy pre-2A7 and Britain.

Again Gaijin disagrees, though I would agree with them it’s a little different.

If you’re curious, this thread I made exists with an updated post of mine on the topic. It’s off topic here now.

Well, from the lessons of CR2 rework, the concensus was more or less pessimist, believing that it will unironically be worse, perhaps even more gaps in the mantlet. With France and Italy getting a hand, the I(Israel)C(China)U(UK) trio now looks more pale unironically.


What has happened today. Any good news? Has anyone started a fight yet?

I personally think the J10 is a really cool jet. And the J10B is a really handsome looking jet.
Hopefuly it has good flight performance. If so, it’ll be a dangerous jet! 11 weapon stations on a “modern” maneuverable delta! Sound like a good jet to keep the F15 MSIP’s honest!

We concluded that Germany isn’t getting Switzerland, Japan is getting ASEAN instead


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99a remake is them remolding how it looks cause if you saw the irl vs game youd see how poorly it is modeled


Hmmmmm. Okay so the datamined, but currently censored, planes were all guessed. Thats good to know, thank you!

Wait when did this happen?

Also what are the new vehicles that are supposed to fit in the blanks?

We got one more vehicle.
Our thoughts are still swiss subtree
F-5E [CHE]
F/A-18C [CHE]
and P-16 [CHE]


EKW C-36 could also fit

As much as I’d like to see it, I think it’s more likely they’ll focus on jets for now, since that’s what germany needs the most

Could also work.
We also had the N-20 but decided it was only a single prototype that never even flew and had no weapons known so probably not.


Pretty sure they don’t need a Hunter knockoff (or rather Supermarine Swift, Attacker and Hawker Hunter amalgamation), but fair, going by the Hungarian and BeNeLux subtrees Gaijin definitely doesn’t like putting effort into props

Sad but true

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As per my previous post, AESA won’t even matter anymore now that we have ARH missiles. At best you get better TWS, but missile performance is not really improved.

All this AESA fear mongering is just the same old stuff, “missiles will be too strong!”, “too early for Gen 4” “too early for F-16”, “2 more years for F-15”, etc etc. Now we’re at “too early for Gen 4.5”.

It’s quite telling when you ask people why they think AESA is too OP and then break it down to be a nothingburger.