Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Again you have to cope because the leaks suggest a F-5E and the F/A-18 from the Swiss to Germany.

Which means a Swiss sub is now more likely than ever for Germany


Whenever its 12.7 max I went in to the mig alley. Somehow even though 75% of the team has a positive KD against players and everyone is positive, we still lose every game. Well, quick scores, wont complain.

Mhm, sure it is buddy.

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for now the updated guesses are
_ F-5E [CHE]
_ F/A-18C [CHE] or JAS-39C [CHE] (second most likely)
3 characters
_ 7 characters (4+spacebar+3)
_ xtp-1 beta [ZAF]
3 characters
_ 8 characters (+ 2 characters for registration code)


Closer to 2 years, now… which is crazy to think about

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Man I wish, but I figured if the F-2 ever shows up on a list, it won’t be hidden. Stuff like this generates hype/discussion and since it’s one of the most anticipated aircraft that could be added anytime now, I’d bet it’d be on the first list if it’s coming.

I hope this December…

I just want to add that, they could add the later one with ARH AAM-4 too since we have that already. I’ve been doing some testing (to which I’d like if others can also test to confirm/deny) and it seems that AESA won’t affect ARH missile meta at all.

Why? Well basically the missiles have a priority order:

  • TRK (when missile’s own radar can lock onto target)
  • DL (datalink from launch aircraft)
  • IOG (inertial guidance)

So basically, the missile will rely on IOG unless it has DL, and will rely on DL unless it has its own lock. This by itself means as soon as the missile hits < 16km it will be a regular PD radar since it will ignore DL. But here’s the extra kicker, it seems that once a missile switches to TRK, even if it loses lock, it will never use DL again and will go back to IOG.

This means that unless the missile just never switches to TRK (impossible as it will easily lock onto chaff or anything in the area), it will disable DL and completely rely on its own radar and IOG.

Now I don’t know if this is a bug or a gameplay decision or how it’s supposed to be (to why it never switches back to DL), but as it stands now, we should skip right to the F-2 late which would also give us ability to CAS like other top tier nations thanks to JDAMs and sniper pod.


If that one does come then it would most likely be squadron if I understood Smin correctly since the Swiss never brought it.

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F-16 [ROU]


If only lol

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Can’t be the Gripen, it doesn’t have a -. It’s written as JAS39C, without the -.

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I mean it could be NAA P-51B lol at a push, I’m looking for similar aircraft what would fit.

EFW F-20 could be another, FFA P-16 too, oh and the EKW C-35

Those are the only ones with the - that not a F/A-18, though looking at it I could totally fee the FFA P-16 coming

Liquid copium right there, maybe one day

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Maybe as Italy squadron vehicle lol

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yea where’s Stug IV, gaijin?
Better not make it a BP vehicle like the Elefant

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Or an actually decent premium lol, squadron vehicle would be cool though

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I didnt really want to make a topic on this so,

Does anyone have images of IL-10 1946 actually operated by China? I have only seen early models.


True since Italy really needs one atm.

Italy and France*

The only ones don’t have them

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Hey it’s the wiki guy again : D

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yep, i’m alive :D