Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Other planes cant intercept whatever KH missile Russia are launching from 20km away.
They wont allow Stormshadow. That leaves Britain with AGM 65 and LGB forever then?

To fix a lot of the Ground RB problems would to make GIANT maps. With 30-35 players on each team. You could add these long range air to ground weapons as well as theater defense systems. It would make it all balanced. The longer range tanks would be able to perform better light tanks scouting could be more useful.

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ar196, bv155, bv138 I believe. Iirc all bv planes are made by community members, which is rather sad because they have unique designs

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F-15 and Type 10 are at least competitive at the top tier. Could always be better though :)



No, thats why they only received 1 tank or 1 plane per update…

Not to be a know-it-all, but not according to my community vote:

That is surtainly true!
Despite that, a lot of community members, including me, have been gathering a lot of information - which we shared on the new and old forums.
Around 9 of my suggestions are still pending after 3-4 weeks, so its should be looked at anytime soon.

Are there any plans (you know of) about updating bomber models, especially cockpits?

Me and Smin have talked a lot lately, i think hes getting a bit very much tired of me…

But thank you for the info!

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Again, the KH-38s shouldn’t even be in the game. There was no reason to add them.

There shouldn’t be A2G weapons that can be launched from outside the range of SAMs, especially not those that can be carried in such large amounts, like the Brimstone.

What is that?

Considering the hf-24 marut is finished we should really see it in the british tree soon considering the vehicles which the creator already got ingame

I just checked, the BV-155 actually was community made and got added in 2022, so yeah, it has been quite a while since then.
Hoping they continue adding vehicles through the revenue share program at some point tho

VBCI (the “basic” one with a 25mm) and French troops in Afga.

How is it possible that Israel doesn’t suffer? lol

it seems like a very biased poll, or we could conclude that Israel doesn’t suffer because no one plays there to experience the suffering.


But there now is and they aren’t going to remove the KH missiles. So we all just suffer as Russia dominates CAS.
The new A10C if the list is correct could get apkws they have a range of 10 -15km

How so?

The fact it’s not Israel doesn’t make things automatically ‘biased’


And BTW, Japan has been here since 2016 and the ground TT almost looks identical…

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Proub of German and US mains not hijacking that

And it is always… ALWAYS greatly appreciated! for sure

Make sure to keep on top of them, you are always welcome to PM Suggestion Staff for an update on them

Not, that I know of sorry… best to stay tuned to the news or wait for preliminary Dev Server patch notes when its time

We never really get annoyed… but, if it is seen as Trolling, then yeah we may then get tied of it :P
But, yeah if its in good intentions, then its never really any bother

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how would US and germany mains hijack that poll. It would need their nations on it. Despite that GB, France aren’t really minor nations. They are in between

This polling is from at least 1 update ago, many different things have changed after that.
It is also a very general question, which isn’t specifying ‘only ground’.
When you take into account Aviation, Ground and Helicopters, the Israel had a pretty good variety in general throughout its ranks for a balanced enough gameplay in April of this year. So I could understand why less people voted on it. Please also take into account that there was only 1 option, so people had to choose 1 ‘worst’ option.

They are saddly always gonna be minor nation as long minor/major nation in WT depend on the numbers of players of the nation, nothing to do at all with capabilities.

Yes I hope so aswell considering NovA29 already made some nice models and is working on some other spicy planes which never would get added like the me209

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