Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

TEC (The European Canadian) That’s the only person I know who does use A.I for his Thumbnails, Can’t really think anyone else though.

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Oh so the lists are made of fantasy vehicles? Then i agree, pointless discussion. At least if they were real vehicles then it would be perfectly fine.

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Yeah, still wont forgive him for completely butchering my suggestion in a passed to devs video


Well no the vehicles are real but the lists are not really realistic due them adding vehicles on to that list that people have been begging to be added into the game.

I don’t really care about his content since its just him talking about things that the majority of players already knew about.

I dont really see the problem then

Yeah thats true, I just watch tankenstein for those news videos, they are very good and not in the most monotone voice ever

It’s hard not to butcher when your video concept is “Read suggestion, but try to shorten it while reading”

I get it probably needs to be done like that for the sheer amount of stuff that guy makes, but I feel reading and understanding before doing the recording would be much better.

Nah he got almost nothing right and then all the comments were calling my suggestion stupid and other worse names, when it was literally just to improve a model :(

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I think its because they don’t want people to be way overhyped for something may not even come in the update which of course that’s what fake list do most of time. Create overhype for it Only to be disappointed when the thing that people were hoping for wasn’t added.

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But most players dont visit the forums, and there isnt many youtubers that cover what happens on the forum (that i know of). Thats where i think his appeal to the viewers is

Not sure what your suggestion was, but some he doesn’t like he does tend to slander. Not sure if he does it on purpose or subconsciously, but it’s annoying either way.

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that… didnt need to be mentioned

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Which would be appealing if it was done well, but these youtubes just pump out 5 videos a day with little or no editing and poor AI thumbnails

Which leads to a major downside. Since most players don’t go to the forums or don’t know it exist will flock to youtubers who create the videos talking about the list, regardless if its fake or not.

Of course some like TEC do say that it could be fake but that it doesn’t seem to stop players from day-dreaming or wishing for something that is too far ahead at the moment.

I mean, looking at his post history he have not posted anything about leaks since the tieba got published

Oh yeah your the guy who created the Challenger 2 Camo netting idea. I’m sorry to hear that my guy but it’s a great idea you have in mind. :p

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Thanks <3

Now time to plug some more of mine :P

Royal Engineers Text Decal
Challenger 2 Camouflage nets should be removable
British Vehicle Recognition Number Decals

Since the what?