Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Isnt that the point for everyone selling a product? Create an appeal of some kind, to entice the consumers? leak

Well that is because that leak from a good source and backed by a second good source, so any new list is either the same, or wrong. I haven’t seen a new list since that one.


Yeah? That is the point. But some take it way too far.

Beatings will continue until Morale Improves.

That said… probably not this week? Me suspects next week.


They might do a cliffhanger Devblog aka gives us the pre-order devblog and then we wait next-week for more.

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Us waiting for devblog


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RP for the snail emperor, SL for the eternal grind


Nah, the pre-order once will be the last one so people can argue here more.

Then its revealed the Arjun will be the german pre-order. /j

Its gonna be That thing in the corner Which will be the pre-order :p


Probably next week. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they did a pre-order devblog Friday.


Perhaps, but I will top that message saying that its usually the time to release the next event devblog, so thats a possibility tomorrow.

Huh? I know the CF-101 is a missile-only craft.

It is the F-101B. That’s why it’s at the generous BR of 8.7 (after asking others)

I have most of them blocked, didn’t know he fell that low

wouldn’t be unheard of put it that way.
However, given what we’re expecting through the update, based on what we know from leaks and the Roadmap, ehhhh, I’d be kinda surprised if they used that as their opening gambit

Yeah well, only tomorrow will tell.

I’m making some predicts by controlling when the DEVBlogs and the Update Alpha Strike released

  • In this week or the next week, the first DEVBlog will be released
  • The Update XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX will be released in the second or third week of June (Week 24 - 25 of the 2024)

Remember, this is my prediction, i could be wrong!


Yeah he went to the lowest of levels. I think he started started doing the A.I in his Thumbnails around the time the La Royale update was about to be announced.

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What did I do though? /s

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I’m having horrible flashbacks to when the warthundermemes subreddit got taken over by Swedish Mains/feminine guys.

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