Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

If the update comes late May, then that’s possible, however it’s usually early-mid June, so a better guess is two to three weeks from now.

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I see.
Anyone have a better guess for the next Aircraft event than May 8th + 1 month so also around June 10th?

Were you referring to this one? (I’ve only the cropped translated one)


According to the roadmap, wherw second update and summer update are different entities, i would assume we will see update before summer

“summer update” is 3rd there so that’d be the August/September update on the spreadsheet. I know September isn’t summer but I didn’t make either of those, it’s just counting to 3 on both.


Disregard, I stand corrected


Tis. I wasn’t saying that the Southeast Asian countries would be part of a sub tree, by the way, just that Japan would get them.

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As a side note, yeah RAF full scrambing rn


When we will get the next sale?

Late response, but none of those are technically “Super Phantoms”. Only two were ever designated that, one being the predecessor to the Kurnass 2000 (with PW1120s), and then the Boeing Super Phantom, which I don’t believe ever left the mockup/conceptual stage.

Isn’t there one in May for Victory Day?

The only thing we can do right now is waiting for devblog season.

Boxer time


Ok Sherlock : )

I mean we could also talk about the existing rumours and confirmed additions

The problem is we’ve talked about those a lot.

At this point we are waiting for either the fake leak lists(that try to look real) or dev blogs.


off the top of my head confirmed would be:

  • ARH missiles for Air
  • Roadmap stuff

rumoured but due to ARH confirmation pretty much guaranteed are:

  • F4F ICE

Rumours would be:

  • eralier extension of Hungarian Air tree
  • new sub tree for Japan, perhaps Thailand
  • maybe something big naval related like Aircraft carriers and/or Subs
  • new group of Top tier fighter aircraft to go along the new missiles like F15C etc.
  • BeNeLux tree perhaps for France
  • SeaHarrier FA.2 (stuff got mined)
  • Panzerhaubitze zweitausend (PzH 2000) possibly for BeNeLuxFr tree

there is currently 1 Leak list with a very low probability

  • it contains E*P

this post is incomplete, you can help by expanding it

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I wonder what our chinese leek farmer is doing rn

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Forgotten one, a Rumor for a Dutch/Benelux sub tree for France.

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Sea Harrier FA2 could be added to that list if ARH is confirmed.

its RWR was data mined and they modeled the blue vixen radar for the Gripen way too quickly for them to not already be working on it before.