Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I refuse to acknowledge the Air comparison

it doesn’t compare

yeah, air battles can affect, will try to solve this if it can be solved

Kh-38 whining is so silly. Kh-29TE is just as good man. I haven’t seen one guy yet who would’ve beaten the missile if it was a Kh-29 instead.

The range being a huge advantage is grossly exaggerated. the SM3 just doesn’t have a lot aerodynamic capability. You still take forever to turn, R-73’s are only great if someone is brain-dead going against you, and the thermal, while nice, and acceptable in giving the plane a chance against AA, does not have a huge advantage in it’s own right as processing and zoom are not as great as most targeting pods.

The situation is much more balanced than people will tell you.


for example we can compare aircrafts used mostly for CAS, and what is it? 1 br step and 3x effectiveness

maybe i should look at 11.3 opponents like su25t, and again ussr much better…


forgot to tell, that I think both of these missles should have been deleted long ago. If kh29te was great, why do we need kh38. Its not connected with all statements about “its too early to add xxx”

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The issue is, missiles like AGM-65 have an F&F range of about 12km. Well within the range of a Pantsir. But KH-38s can be fired well beyond the effective range of basically any other SPAA system in game. Might not be quite as bad if every nation had a Pantsir level SPAA, but we just dont .

Most nations have to begin extreme defensive maneuvers the mili-second they spawn to survive a Pantsir. Su-25SM3 can fly in a straight line firing off KH-38s with total safety


Thunderskill is completely unreliable source due of small samples


2-6k battles quite enough

I was hyped at first, I’ll gladly admit, but I’ll tell you Kh-29TE is good enough. Kh-38MT is probably actually worse than the ML. ML is the missile people are complaining about. If you can manage to point yourself in the right direction, it’s abusive, sure. But this level of flying is not easy at all in the SM3.

It’s not. SM3 with Kh-29TE is like the bare minimum to be competitive. 1. MiG-27K’s don’t get played hardly at all, look at that battle count. 2. 11.3 is the blessed USSR BR. Infinitely the best BR at high tier, so hard to lose there. That’s a lineup thing, not a MiG-27K thing.

In sim, you’re right. I watched Hunter play it in sim and I think it actually does better there. In RB, the spawn is already close enough that you need to direct yourself within “gimbal” so to speak, of the enemy spawn, assuming your RWR pings and you know they have SPAA. Then you have to find, lock, and fire. Which with a little weather or clutter is not automatic, hence why some people run the ML’s.

If you fire the T’s, you give yourself more time to retreat, but just getting into the right vector and acquiring a target takes long enough that you are usually in range. Panstir or not.

If you go ML, and SPAA intercepts the first ML, you are more than likely within range to get splashed.

That’s better than the good old days of sky-cancer guided bombing where a JAS-39 could just sit at 3000m+ and drop GBU’s on me from a distance, and then side climb away from me at about 12km away, and I can’t hit him at that rate by then even with my “amazing” Pantsir.

It’s not a popular opinion with non-USSR players, but the SM3 is balanced.

Im just hoping we can get equivalents for other nations soon.

Like Harrier GR9A with Brimstone

As long as it’s interceptable, I don’t see why not.

As far as I am aware. Only the Pantsir is able to consistantly intercept incoming ordinance.


AGM-65’s are do-able in the 2S6, but it’s not easy.

Hellfires are interceptable in the Pantsir depending on angle, quite reliably. But it’s a pisser too because you get 12 missiles, and most choppers are running 16+ missiles, so at some point teammates start dying.

And you get nothing for it. No medals, and no recognition. Just someone wondering why some Pantsir keeps firing at nothing (you don’t see the helicopter) and why are the missiles exploding in mid air (must be bugged).

Yep. So again, thats the other big part of it.

A Pantsir can shoot an AGM-65, PGM, as you said even a hellfire out of the sky. I dont think other nations can also do that. At least not without a huge amount of luck.

This in-turn makes the KH-38 even stronger. Because it will always get through

I’ve never hit one, but I’m sure it’s doable.

You have to know where they are coming from. They are not immediately apparent.

Kh-29’s appear (at least from my experience) to be as interceptable by the ITO (at least) as AGM-65’s are by 2S6/Pantsir. I don’t think this is a controversial advantage/disadvantage.

I haven’t had any intercepted yet, but I’ve had more of them detonate in mid-air than I’ve had with any other guided USSR AGM thus far. They aren’t perfect.

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Tbh I’d prefer an Su-30M with 4 or 6 or whatever the max loadout is, of Kh-29TE’s, than having thermal on the Su-25SM3. It barely makes a difference, and I’d rather have a fast and maneuverable multirole instead tbh.

its so hard flying when no aircrafts in battle at all because of pantsir, and you have rwr and auto-flares
so hard…


try to play something, instead of ussr

try do 2KD for 50 battles for example on Tornado?

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Hey, the all holy-never-wrong-gaijin-confirmed-100%-accurate spreadsheet says next week Friday devblog.
Kinda feels blog season already in sight.