Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I mean sure but the main reason why everyone expects the F4F-ICE is because it’s literally the only ARH carrier Germany could get before the Eurofighter which is definetly still a little too strong

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An advantage of the ICE though is that Germany will have a plane that is basically “early 4th gen” occupying the same BR placement of F-14s.

You also argued earlier that people don’t climb and they always stay low. But truth is, if that was the case, I wouldn’t constantly get kills with the AIM-54 Phoenix on the F-14, and the AIM-120 is better than AIM-54. APG-65 radar on ICE is also better than Tomcat radar.

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this is just wrong

they will prob say it was “technically possible” so it won’t be useless in game

Probably, though if not. Im gunna be glad im usually always against Germany in SB. the TKs are gunna be hilarious if not

this together with similar jets for other nations such as Kfir C.10, JA37Di, MiG-21-93 and so on

more info here:

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now imagine the outrage if US got Peace Icarus with working IFF in the same update lmao

That would be funny

Yeah, that’s was kinda my point in saying that.


You used a past tense so I thought you where implying it already happened.

don’t belive so, it would be too close to F-20 for that

Any leaks or revelations in the past 500 messages?


Can first devblog be tomorrow?

no, just the usual

I think Smin said devblogs are soon. but that could also be a thousand messages earlier

we almost got bonked too

imo it’s likely today or tomorrow

but it could also be next week or the week after

I will die without hopium by that time

don’t worry we stocked plenty of Hopium and Copium for this dev season

Smin said we weren’t super cloae iirc. So I assume next week or the week after that.

I wait gaijin announced next roadmap of next major update before first devblog season

Yeah i saw the smin thing i think. Thats promising.