Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

spoiler, wont happen…


The max BR for ground is still 11.7, so increasing it to 12.0-12.7 is still increasing the max BR.

“additional decompression to the top ranks with an increase in the maximum Battle Rating”

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I can understand the compression for naval because it has less players but ground and air has enough. It would make the game much more healthy

ah lul, missed that part bruh xD

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in that case you can feel free to stay at lower BRs

nobody stops you from using the sabre for some nice MG kills after a heavy dogfight

Decompression was well needed.

that is personal taste, I do Like the idea to play essentially catch with Jets on larger maps

positioning and cover can be used a lot better with ARH compared to SARH and IRH

And I never said that this fun thing has to be at higher tiers? It was him that assumed so

It still is needed.

badly in all game modes.

Not once in that reply have I stated my preference. It’s a fact that most people don’t climb in top tier AirRB

well, that is because of the missle called R27er

The cause doesn’t matter, it’s the effect we’re looking at

I don’t understand why people like top-tier air.
It’s all about the meta stuff… and the stock grind is awful even with AAM.

I’d much rather around a max br of 10.0 where it isnt that bad.

Im not really enjoying it in SB currently either. Ive been having more of a blast in the Sea Harrier of late. But for me its more that the Gripen just doesnt suit my playstyle. Maybe with usable BVRs i might play it more. But if we get FA2, then I wont touch the Gripen much, but will probably play more top tier

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Honestly it would just play like a tanky tank haha.
You need to place shots well to do any effect against anything, but same for the opponents.

Perhaps a good comparison would be the 76 jumbo, since it has excellent frontal armor, but a lackluster gun with little room for error.

not really, people started the ground hugging when SARH was first introduced
and there just hasn’t been a reason to stop doing it

If Gaijin is going to add F-4F ICE which presumably would be lower in BR compared to the 4th gens, would be nice if France also got its 3rd gen fox three slinger as well. I know there was also a discussion on Viggen also getting AMRAAMs.

Mirage MF2000. A Mirage F1 but upgraded.
Carries 2x MICA EM, 2x Magic 2 and has helmet mounted display with RDY-3 radar. Could sit nicely at 12.0-12.3. Same BR as F-14B.


I mean sure but the main reason why everyone expects the F4F-ICE is because it’s literally the only ARH carrier Germany could get before the Eurofighter which is definetly still a little too strong

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An advantage of the ICE though is that Germany will have a plane that is basically “early 4th gen” occupying the same BR placement of F-14s.

You also argued earlier that people don’t climb and they always stay low. But truth is, if that was the case, I wouldn’t constantly get kills with the AIM-54 Phoenix on the F-14, and the AIM-120 is better than AIM-54. APG-65 radar on ICE is also better than Tomcat radar.

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this is just wrong