Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I put 20SL on today and 50SL on tomorrow

True, though iirc usually if we are really close Smin uses “soon™”

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I guess we can argue over the Deathmisser Soon scale but imo Soon. is this or next week while soon™ can be even closer, on the same day or hour even

For once, I’m hoping for just a little more time before devblog season (like another week or two at the least)

why specifically?

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Just in-case this update brings some pre-orders or GE premiums that I wasn’t expecting.
That way I’ll have enough saved up to maybe get one or two

The main thing is that there were only 2.5 more days left in the week when Smin said that. So this week would already fall in the soon™ range.



Agreed, copyright law definitely applies to the soon-ness in soon.

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Heavily expecting a rank 8 premium jet.
Doesn’t mean this list is false.

That’s the most unbelievable one yet. If Germany got the DA.1, the UK would get the DA.2 and Italy would get the DA.3 at the same time.

Also, why is something blacked out?


GE premiums can wait.
Any responsible adult in here has atleast 75 bucks budgeted in 5 times a year for WT pack addiction buying.



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It’s the code to the sekrit documents, isn’t it?

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especially because gb gets an aussie f-18 instead, which makes no sense at all

Seems fake. I very much doubt they will give Sweden both the 39C and 18C in one update, especially with how few 4th gen aircraft they have left.

I have 3 questions

  • who made this?

  • why is there a Eurofighter?

  • wtf is Strv 104 L/44?


also F-15J MSIP for japan only is a red flag for this one


This is false on so many levels.

The major one is they wont soloy add a EF for Germany

there’s no way they’re skipping the F4F-ICE

I mean they can just have Germany inferior for another round of top meta until the EF comes and they won’t leave that option on the table