Mirage 2000 Thread : Variants, performance, characteristics and sources

Like if you want honest estimations based on what has been said by devs : We know PL12 is probably the missile chosed for China Fox3s since the article on J8F. Gripen C is known to be coming to Sweden and can carry AIM120-C. We know PL12 is basically a copy of early/mid series AIM120C. Now when we know the planes that are in game that can go Fox3 at TT for all nations : US : F16C/(F15); USSR: Mig 29 SMT and SU27; Ger : TBD but probably F4F-ICE with AIM 120-C similar to AIM9M Gripen case; UK : Gripen C; JP : F15J/(Viper Zero who has been confirmed to be in plans last year)CN : J8F, J11; It : AV8B+; Fr : Mirage 2000-5F/Mirage 4000(Low prob); Sw : Gripen C(Confirmed); Is : F15, F16D(not sure + high proba of F16I early in the year).
So for the Missiles we’d have :
US,Ita,Is,Ger,UK,Sw : AIM 120-C(1 to 5)
CN : PL 12
USSR : R77/R27EA(Low prob)
IS : Eventually Derby if they get unique weapon
Most balanced list there can be for the moment with infos we got.

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I don’t think the SU-27 in game can carry ARH missiles, at least not the R-77 and I am not sure about the R-27EA

Likely that they might just add another plane just for fox 3, and not add it to Gripen C for UK? Idk.

I don’t want to misquote the tech mod, but from what I understand, the likelihood of Israel getting Derby missiles is very low, and likely to just get AIM-120. It’s not even used in Israeli service.

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For UK i was close to include Tornado ADV with Radar stage 3 or a GR7 variant if there exist one that can carry ARH

None of the British harrier 2s used AMRAAMS only our sea harrier did which is a harrier 1 airframe

I guess the starting point will be AIM-120C-5 with I think around 105km range? It would allow for PL-12, R-77-1 and MICA.

Also just to clarify F-4F ICE could only use AIM-120A/B, Barak II never used AIM-120, current F-15A can’t use AIM-120 (F-15J should be able to use them).

What I suspect is addition of AIM-120B to 3rd gen AMRAAM carriers and addition of AIM-120C5 to 4th gen AMRAAM carriers to create that BR separation between them.

  • For example F-4F ICE with AIM-120B fighting AV-8B+, Tornado F.3 FSP, MiG-21-93, Sea Harrier FA.2, J-8F, JA37Di, Mirage F1EM VI and Kfir C.10, Cheetah C. All armed with AIM-120B level of missiles (apart from J-8F with 2 PL-12 and Mirage F1 with 2 MICA-EM).

  • In the same time F-16C Block 50, JAS39C, Mirage 2000-5F, F-16A MLU late, Italian F-16A ADF late, MiG-29SMT, F-15J late, F/A-18C (UK/CAN).

Of course AIM-120C1 or even C5 could be added to Harriers for balance reasons. Also I added “late” designations but we don’t know if Gaijin simply won’t update the current models of these jets (I doubt they will).

Missiles with comparable performance (based on my knowledge and with taking into account WT simplification):

  • AIM-120A, AIM-120B, AIM-120C1, R-77, Derby

  • AIM-120C-5, R-77-1, PL-12, MICA-EM, AAM-4

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It can’t

For what is possible as a 3rd gen Fox 3 plane, you can add the Mirage F1 MF2000 to the list, with 2 MICA EM ^^

No photos of it exist I’m afraid

i’m sorry what ?


However, the aircraft show here was in fact not an MF2000 at all, but rather an F1CT with a few upgrades to the cockpit that was portrayed as being an MF2000. The actual prototype (of which I have no images) only took to the skies in October of 2009, so after the Le Bourget airshow. The aircraft was thoroughly tested over the next few months, in the summer of 2010 it was then sent back to Morocco for activity transfers. In the mean time it seems that all 27 airframes have been updated, and are already being phased out (or at least being planned to be) in favor of newer F-16s. The MF2000 aircraft were renamed to EM VI (named after Mohammed VI) in Moroccan service, this is also how you can distinguish the upgraded aircraft over the older ones that will just show CH or EH.

added it anyway

Unsure Royal Moroccan maybe sub-tree for france tech tree or sub tree for spanish tech tree or own tree

Mirage F1 MF2000 as a the best of Mirage F1

Non sense. I have been extremely succesful with the S.530D and it has great maneuverability especially as i’m coming from using sparrows.

You can just add it as the French prototype basically, avoiding the headache of thinking where and how Morocco, a country that have really low chances to be added because it has no indigenous design, will be added.

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So you could mean Mirage F1 MF2000 ASTRAC it might be prototype upgrade program of Mirage F1CH Mirage F1EH & Mirage F1EH-200 from Royal Moroccan Air Force (RMoAF) to Mirage F1EM VI ?

He’s saying we can just put a French name over Morocco jet for simplification. It was a French prototype afterall

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Hey @directsupport thanks for the bug report. Hope it will fixed soon.

Want to ask if any of you have experimented this lately. Now S530D is pretty unrelable even a short range, Front lock, PD (HDN and without) mode. For me it one patch to another, the radar is badly working or the missile not working as intended. it getting worse patch after patch.

If people can explain what is wrong here. Most of the clip are either PD HDN or PD mode.
Targets don’t or barely defend, they dont notch, and they are still able to defeat the missile easily.


On these clip, i think it is “maybe” the guidance table kick in too late in head on, which leads the missile to miss. But that just my assumption.

At this point, I lead, not lead missile, barely loft, no loft, i shoot from front, side, rear aspect, long or short range it doesn’t change.

Here from another view point (i’m the one defending)
At any moment i was in danger even if i defend badly. 2 S530D fired at me
I barely move to the side (i can’t even call this a notch) the first missile miss, i reposition in front of the missile, the 2nd missile S530D miss.

Bonus rear aspect: i expect nothing, i know it should be more difficult from rear. Just want to see how the missile will react. Just embarrassing how the missile is not even trying.
https://streamable.com/r2hpqx (2nd,4th and 5th are S530D)


i don’t think the radar is to blame, that would be more of a guidance or overload problem.

i noticed the 530D doesn’t like being fired up close (5km or less), which is a bit ironic considering its max range isn’t exactly great…

it might have to do with the variable PID depending on distance to target. At least i noticed the missile would fail more after this change, but that’s just personal experience, so take it with a grain of salt.

Funnily enough, certain missiles (which aren’t small by any means) and with a similar overload can sometimes hit even fired less than 2km in front aspect (looking at you R27…)

From personal experience, it feels like the PID. After the PID update (was DirectSupport’s issue report I think), I found I hate the 530D. Feels almost tight/slow to respond with how restrictive it is. Performs worse at closer range as a result

Just my 2 cents