Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Nah that are lazy premiums. Gaijin gets lazier and lazier with premiums in general. The tornado marineflieger reskin was the worst

Camouflage should be a modification

I mean it’s not as Israel is the only one that start’s at rank 4 and you have to play another FULL tree to get it.
So yea that not a normal indi tree for me.

Lot of choices for that



I don’t like the idea of Camo nets becoming a Mod for regular TT tanks

that’d make stock grind a lot harder than it already is

Italy should get it since most turkish vehicles are in the italian tech tree.

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Premium leclercs wont be a thing until gaijin figures out next-gen since leclercs are 11.7. Well the smart way is to downtier S1/S2 to 11.3 and then add the premium UAE S1, but thats another story.

Would be an optional grind.
Perhaps like the decal grind for premiums ?

They have leo 2a4 and M1 premium, why not a Leclerc ?

We have proto Leclercs before the S1.

even worse

imagine the whole team got camo nets to easily hide and you’re stuck with regular paint

Eh not really. Turkish vehicles in Italy is because they are Italian designs or based off of them, and they are good materials for a premium.
However, if an original design like the sabrah goes to Italy, we can then claim so.

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It would take rp from more important modifications away like apfsds rounds

Then the tanks with camo nets are already pay2win, because they are the same br.

Italy needs some good MBTs so adding this leopard can help the tech tree.


You and me are on the same brain wave for this.


Dude named Orban:
Even if there would be a tier 7 premium its either ariete with camo net or some hungarian tanks. Plus Italy is not as in need of a premium than France or Japan, since it has 2 very good premiums and a really good 9.0 and 10.3 lineups to grind the rest.
Also Hungary can offer the same tanks, no nees to further reduce the authenticity of Italy.


I support this

This may atcually would make me finish off the Italian tree tbh if they added this Turkish 2A4.

I forgot that Hungary is now a subtree of Italy. However this can be a nice premium for the italian TT if turkish vehicles stays in the Italian Tech tree

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HMS Centurion would be an rather badly timed addition at this point, like its from 1911.

Like my guy, the Mutsu is a Nagato class and the Mississipi is way beyond the level of Centurion with better armour, 2 more guns and they’re bigger than the ones on the Centurion.

Very strange as again, the UK needs something like a QE or R class. But it would complete the UK’s trio of 13.5" Battleships.

I doubt thats the case however. The TAF and ATAK are all heavily related to Italy, and when they were introduced, were some of the better choices for premiums.
If we say, the AMX was introduced in drone age, there could be a different premium tier 7 such as the Brazilian AMX, etc.

AMX-30 with RTX OFF