Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

maybe with tons of cold war equipment but putting cold war equipment that low is an exception. The btr and Type87 RCV (p) were first around 5.x till some parts of the community complained that much that gaijin gave both better ammo and put them at 7.x

410 mm main caliber, not 406 mm.
The Nagato type had 410 mm guns


I don’t really mind if they put cold war equipment lower if it’s not completely different.

I am still hoping for the spähpanzer kurz at 5.x.


After 2 French heli in the Chinese heli TT that France still don’t have i hope they don’t get a 3rd, this joke should have an end.

funny enough french premium vehicles don’t even sell that bad at least the souma. Would make you think gaijin would put more focus on the french tree

bigger 20mil Wiesel

Still hoping for a Leclerc with a cool camo net like some others have since some times now, yup.

And a first squadron vehicle too.

AMX 30 DFC could be really cool.




yeah but no dm63 because it’s the same cannon as the lang which we already have ingame with the recoiless cannon

Still hoping that in the challenger DM remodel they update the Netting on the 2F and TES/OES

sorry to tell you, but damage models are purely internal, it doesnt effect how the tanks look like sadly

obviously, it’s a lot older than the wiesel

would nicely fit into my M48 lineup

It’s look just “okish” in UHD haha

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why is it so smooth

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Oh i know i just hope they do it at the same time as it would make the most sense

Stealth tank, for reducing thermal/radar view :p

It was the main scouting vehicle in the early bundeswehr. But I hope they put it at 5.x to get a scout tank in that range. Uptiering is still possible

that’s nice an all but without thermals turned on this thing is super easy to spot

I just think it could be a cool squadron vehicle: add nothing horrible/op, and we don’t lost a TT spot for a more know one.

And no, reduced thermal view, not only radar.

ik ik, still kinda the opposite of a camo net tank

Italys turn