Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I might do an alternative “tech tree only” version, to see what’s actually accessible to a regular F2P.

man i love hitting leo dead center and having my round absorbed

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The ADATS is not actually that great of a tank destroyer, if you are using it as one its probably because your spawn is being camped. You have to calculate where to aim for each missile and they don’t do a lot if any spall.
I think it should be classed as an AA but have a higher spawn cost, or classed as a TD but have the spawn points increase less than tanks, for example:

First spawn:
Tank - 130SP

Second spawn:
Tank - 250SP

I hope in the new update the UK gets some better AA, at longer ranges the ADATS (M113) is pretty unreliable, especially compared to the Pantsir, and the stormer is unusable.


A few AA I would like to see are:
Warrior Verdi 2

This Stormer variant (idk the name)
Stormer Air defence (Blazer-25/30)

The Terrahawk Paladin
Британская зенитка - Передано разработчикам - War Thunder — официальный форум


Iirc the 3bm42 performed better than the F1, also there are video from some of the test.

it has 3bm42 only no other shell that first the nizh was only good against old projectiles and was tested only against shells like 3bm22 oplot has no thermals oplot m has and then there is like 2 of them

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Soon perhaps

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The ukranians have develop a longer apdsfs than the 3bm42, the 3bm42u, that being said i dont know which tanks can use those


Modified BM Oplot would be an easy guess

Another new Turkish-Italian collab

A new variant of Tulpar Light/Medium Tank.
OTOKAR has collaborated with Leonardo to equip the Tulpar with the Italian Hitfact MK2 turret.

Is it time for Turkish sub tree in Italy?


called 3bm42m as I know, but never produced and used, only some samples.

cooler booker

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I dont know the round doesn’t looks like the 3bm42m


It could just be the same round with a different sabot and a different tip

Probably different ammo with same name.

That newly leaked Turkish Leo 2A4 made the Turkish community into a melt down of joy lol

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stil wouldnt hold my breath for the turkey as a new nation, they literaly just released the turkish leo skins for multiple vehicles last year and would need to remove turkish stuff from italy

Well before Israel was a tree their total cost was over like 250+ pounds with like 10 vehicles across the three nations.

Plus the Italian props too, so they’ve done it before.

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did israel get stuff added to other trees less then a year before being added?

which leak?

this one from the Chinese dude

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tho olivia denied it was her