Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

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TBF its the way its being used not the tank, a bvm wouldve exploded the same way there

Thats why we have the ZBD05 for amphibious deployment or hoi4 naval invasion sound scenarios

Just make those skins for the US premium one

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No, ZBD-04A did not sacrifice its swimming ability, and the entire vehicle does not require preparation. It can still float slowly on the calm and wave free inland rivers, but it no longer has the ability to travel in sea conditions of level 2 and 3


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I forgot that, as well as domesticated electronics and fcs

They don’t even have to be skins lol. You could probably make them with roundels/flags already in-game

To justify this I will analyse top tier like so.

̶I̶ ̶m̶a̶y̶ ̶e̶x̶p̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶c̶o̶v̶e̶r̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶n̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶l̶i̶c̶o̶p̶t̶e̶r̶s̶, but for now it shows some interesting things.

We can all disagree with many BR placements, but this is from Gaijin’s perspective since they presumably pick stuff to fill BR gaps.

i told you
bvm which is playing vs other bvm will cause some trouble, when ussr players will start playing vs almost equal

The ADATS’s are both tank destroyers and AAs, so they should be counted as both.

because soviets never aim for weakspot before leo2a7 and strv122

its kinda skill destruction, when you penetrated everything just at center

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Its an de facto AA but we know since it knocks out tank easily thats why its marked as TD. Perhaps put an aterisk besides it, yeah.
It was very fun to blow up tanks with it back in the days

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I agree, but since the spawn point cost is tied to role, they can’t actually fulfil the same function.

If all your other MBT/LT/TD spawn points are multiplied too high you couldn’t spawn in ADATS.

But FlaRakRad, Pantsir, Tor and ITO you can.

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OTOMATIC is a tank(and helicopter) destroyer, and you can spawn it after 4 deaths :)

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This is nonsense. Even 10.3 tanks require you to aim or your spalling won’t kill 3 crew.

I can only assume that “04(premium)” and “04A” are the ZBD 04 mentioned in the other leak. Also if there is going to be a Chinese helicopter, it’s worth mentioning that Taiwan also uses the AH-1W, so these would add up.

Taiwan also operates the AH-64E, I suppose its not something too bad either, considering its an E it can work like AHMK1 with stingers+MAWS simutaneously
The Z-10 is great at shooting things down but blowing tanks up is a bit of a challenge

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that’s an assumption yes, alternatively it could be a boat

I’ve also heard that 04A has a better engine as well, at 670hp but I guess we’ll see how that’s modeled in game

i wouldnt count Premiums event, example for germany, the tornados essentialy are the same and the mig23mf is a copy pasta as well, none of those actualy fill gaps, only tech tree vehicles fill gaps