Gaijibbles, gib us the Laser-Mavs :D
I want fat mavs
facts brother, spit your facts INDEED
That mean might be lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT)/light combat aircraft and light attack aircraft from Alenia Aermacchi/leonardo ? Sounds familiar.
I’m a little worried F-16C Block 50 (USAF), F-16A Block 20 MLU (ROCAF) and AV-8B Plus (ITA) will receive AGM-65G from gaijin this quarter or second major update this year ?
Arguably D is the better missile anyway due to the heat warhead
Some evidence I think might have been found by flame for that actually
I finally found evidence that the Harrier stores system does accept six Sidewinders. @Gunjob’s now put a report in.
would the Blast penetrators even be useful for wt?
TV guided anti helicopter weapon?
do they have a proxy fuse tho?
you can already use mavs against Helis
Not sure, to be honest
@Smin1080p the recent Warthunder official video stated that the Magic 2 was the worst out of all top tier missiles in the two tests they conducted, will there be any planned fixed to the Magic 2 to give it its realistic performance?
Maybe vs SPAA or something. Especially if you had 2 close together. (though no harm in giving players a choice of weapon types)
I think the D is probably the better AGM-65 variant for now vs tanks. But what we need is some better T-Pods like TIALD 500 (gen 2) for the Harrier Gr7 to make better use of them.
planned fixed to the Magic 2
More likely to give top tier mirages MICAs. Giving the magic 2 realistic performance would more than likely result in the need to increase the BR of the MF1C, MF1CT and most importantly the MF1C-200, which is a premium.
The April fools event will be a radioactive L3
Wrong itll be a abrams, leclerc, type 90/10/tkx and Merkava’s with spall liners :p

would the Blast penetrators even be useful for wt?
It only has 80lb [36.28kg] of explosives(Octol), so has a TNTe of ~50kg, so should perform similarly to the AGM-12B. Except with automatic guidance depending on the seeker, be that some form of F&F or SALH.
Realistically, its not actually any better than the HEAT warhead(since they use all up weight of the warhead as the explosive mass erroneously), but won’t be impacted by the arbitrarily imposed 20mm penetration cap on HEAT / HESH, unless they make a similar ruling, though we have a primary source for the Weight of the HE variant’s warhead (it’s really a Semi- Armor Piercing design) so that is unlikely.
So will probably be ever so slightly more reliable.
It’s still nowhere near the mass equivalence of the KH-23[96kg] (211lb), let alone the -25[119kg] (264lb) or the massive -29[186kg] (410lb), and is limited to one per station, so doesn’t actually have any real upside vs the HEAT variants. for that we’re going to have to wait for the AGM-84E & -K / JSOW etc.
Actual L3 with 2 machineguns vs abrams, leclercs, leopards, T90s and merkavas.
The L3 will stills win because Italy mains are fucin’ mad.
I wonder, could a Breda MG take out Barrels and pen the Blast panels of a NATO tank?
if yes then L3 wins
I wanted to know if we will see the M4A1 Revalorisé in the french tech tree one day ?
We may.