Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Actual L3 with 2 machineguns vs abrams, leclercs, leopards, T90s and merkavas.

The L3 will stills win because Italy mains are fucin’ mad.

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I wonder, could a Breda MG take out Barrels and pen the Blast panels of a NATO tank?

if yes then L3 wins


I wanted to know if we will see the M4A1 Revalorisé in the french tech tree one day ?

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We may.

Moar leaks pls.
Dopamine wore off from the last one.


I like the lower br’s it at, MICA/IR will be France’s top tier IR missile at some point, they can give that UFO performance. It think it goes even on Mirage F1’s.

Real, idk why we got our leaks so early, and it’s so short to.

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No centauro 2
No l2a7hu
Arietes armor gets removed
Otomatic apfsds removed
New aa motorbike at 1.0


Going by the timeline for the Chinese leaker, I think it seems accurate?

For example their December update leak was posted on Nov 24th, a full week before the 1st devblog. Similarly, the October update was leaked Oct 10th which was a couple days before the 1st devblog which was Oct 13th.

If we get our first devblog this week, specifically Friday, it would be a similar timeline.


Usually the devs come out around the 10th. Since the 10th is the Chinese new year this year, perhaps the devs will come out a few days earlier and leave space for the special event which would usually took place(not this one, more like play 3 matches with Chinese vehicles and get a decal).

They start to release the devblog around next week going off previous updates.
So Friday or earlier does seems possible but yea ether next week or the week after

I guess that makes since, I have just forgotten the cadence since the last. Well at least we have good reason to believe that we have devblogs this week.

First blog shall be boat, I have forseen it


Do we still call it a fake since the person was pretending to be Olivia ?

I lost track of things now since it’s been a few days

depends, might have been to trick the orignal source to confuse players, but the guy was right last few times


I said for a few times already. This could 1, be a smokescreen from Olivia, 2, another leaker. The vehicles provided by 油库里 was very close to the actual update, besides the centauro 2, which could be planned but gaijin just didnt finish it in time. He apparantly even knew the Hungarian tiger, where it was only added after both devs. Also the mississippi and vilkas.


That’s is a possible I guess the guy giving him the real leaks as Olivia just to mask him up.
As Olivia seems to be untouchable by gaijin so it would make sense.

the update before that was pin accurate as well, with the 2 spike helis etc

But it got the British IFV wrong
No scimitar

Ture and this is the first time we’ve seen the discord name so yea.

Part of me don’t want it to be true because if the F-2 and the Turkish things leading to a what could be a indi Turkish tree

Might be unfinished as well, where it was planned but failed to deliver in time due to different factors, like model providers has problems etc.